UtmRecorder help you record utm parameters from visitors and visited urls.
$ composer require orlserg/utm-recorder
Add the service provider and (optionally) alias to their relative arrays in config/app.php:
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'UtmRecorder' => \Orlserg\UtmRecorder\UtmRecorderFacade::class,
Publish the config and migration files:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Orlserg\UtmRecorder\UtmRecorderServiceProvider"
Add the \Orlserg\UtmRecorder\Middleware\UtmRecorder::class
middleware to App\Http\Kernel.php
after the EncryptCookie
protected $middleware = [
Go over the configuration file, and set up settings:
// your own visitor table
'link_visits_with' => 'visitors',
// your own visitor model
'link_visits_with_model' => \App\Visitor::class,
$ php artisan migrate
Link your own visitor model with visits table like so:
public function visits()
return $this->HasMany(Visit::class, 'owner_id', 'id');