Clone o repositorio 'WaksharkCommon' aqui de '' como sendo a pasta 'Common';
Clone o repositorio 'WaksharkInstall' aqui de '' como sendo a pasta '_install';
Com o WakShark é possível:
- Fazer reconhecimento de imagens com ações
- Busca / Exibir / Armazenar Pixels
- Busca / Exibir / Armazenar Padrões de Pixels
- Converter Imagens para 8 bits por pixel
- Obter ScreenShots
- Aplicar recurso de máscara de luminosidade de acordo com o horário atual ( GMT -1 )
Atualmente o WakShark utiliza o OpenCV através do wrapper EMGU para C#.
A estrutura de pastas do projeto deve ser conforme abaixo:
- .../WakShark/Common
- .../WakShark/_install
- .../WakShark/LICENSE
- .../WakShark/Model
- .../WakShark/packages
- .../WakShark/
- .../WakShark/Service
- .../WakShark/WakBoy.userprefs
- .../WakShark/WakShark
- .../WakShark/WakShark.sln
- .../WakShark/WakShark.userprefs
Clone 'WaksharkCommon' Repository here from '' as 'Common' folder name ;
Clone 'WaksharkCommon' Repository here from '' as '_install' folder name ;
With WakShark you can:
- Do image recognition with actions
- Search / Display / Store Pixels
- Search / Display / Store Pixels Patterns
- Convert images to 8 bits per pixel
- Get ScreenShots
- Apply light shade feature according to the current time (GMT -1)
Currently WakShark use OpenCV through EMGU wrapper for C#.
The structure folder needs to be similar as below:
- .../WakShark/Common
- .../WakShark/_install
- .../WakShark/LICENSE
- .../WakShark/Model
- .../WakShark/packages
- .../WakShark/
- .../WakShark/Service
- .../WakShark/WakBoy.userprefs
- .../WakShark/WakShark
- .../WakShark/WakShark.sln
- .../WakShark/WakShark.userprefs