generate random sequences like numpy ones
var (
state *RKState
a, expected []float64
tol = 1e-8
ok bool
// np.random.seed(7)
// np.random.sample(5)
state = NewRandomkitSource(7)
a = make([]float64, 5)
for i := range a {
a[i] = state.Float64()
expected = []float64{0.07630829, 0.77991879, 0.43840923, 0.72346518, 0.97798951}
ok = true
for i := range a {
ok = ok && math.Abs(expected[i]-a[i]) < tol
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("expected %g got %g", expected, a)
expected = []float64{0.07630829, 0.77991879, 0.43840923, 0.72346518, 0.97798951}
ok = true
for i := range a {
ok = ok && math.Abs(expected[i]-a[i]) < tol
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("expected %g got %g", expected, a)
// test normal dist
// np.random.seed(7)
// np.random.standard_normal(5)
for i := range a {
a[i] = state.NormFloat64()
expected = []float64{1.6905257, -0.46593737, 0.03282016, 0.40751628, -0.78892303}
ok = true
for i := range a {
ok = ok && math.Abs(expected[i]-a[i]) < tol
if !ok {
fmt.Printf("expected %g got %g", expected, a)
// duplicate state have same future
stateCopy := state.Clone()
if state.Uint64() != stateCopy.Uint64() {
fmt.Println("clone failure")
RKState is a suitable Source for but using rand.Float64 don't provide numpy-like sequences because rand.Float64 operations differ form RKState.Float64
The only way to get numpy-like sequences is to use RKState.Float64 or RKState.NormFloat64 directly