- 0dcac6b: feat(cache): implement not found generic error and use it to fail fast in case cache has an issue (#22) (@Alan-pad)
- 72b9cb7: feat(controller): expose all the current manager options as flags in cmd (#44) (@Alan-pad)
- 84bc075: feat(controller): remove cache dependency and put lock on an annotation (@Alan-pad)
- 3d5f8eb: feat(init): initialize operator and both controllers (@Alan-pad)
- 17b3d15: feat(multiple): moving some cache keys to annotations base, add kubernetes client to runner (@Alan-pad)
- 3672cf7: feat(runner): enhance runner with a kubernetes client to check layer resources (@Alan-pad)
- 7a3b1ef: feat(timers): introduce timers configuration (driftDetection, waitAction, onError) (#20) (@Alan-pad)
- 950d729: feat(version): inject version at build time to runner are ran in the same version as controller (#45) (@Alan-pad)
- a206236: feat/handle-webhook-notifications (#33) (@spoukke)
- ed2dc74: feat/merge-pod-specs (#30) (@spoukke)
- e4ec67d: feat: add remediation strategy in api (@spoukke)
- 4158c89: feat: allow ssh git clone (#25) (@spoukke)
- d52b467: feat: handle remediation strategy and concerning branch commit comparison (#41) (@spoukke)
- 81049d7: feat: improve output of kubectl get on CRDs (#67) (@Alan-pad)
- d0867ab: feat: introduce 2 new status fields and show them in kubectl get command (#52) (@Alan-pad)
- 544259d: feat: make drift check and apply with custom runner code (#2) (@spoukke)
- ef767bd: feat: no apply on empty plan (#21) (@Alan-pad)
- 8985b89: feat: use common remediation strategy (@spoukke)
Bug fixes
- a965dca: fix(layer): usage of printcolumn wasn't understood correctly (@Alan-pad)
- cf55b40: fix(state): index out of range crash (@Alan-pad)
- 30d84d6: fix/apply-not-running (#34) (@spoukke)
- 6097d33: fix: check for branch inside webhook (#43) (@spoukke)
- 183806c: Ci/build and tests (#19) (@spoukke)
- 9fafd91: Ci/release and tagging (#78) (@spoukke)
- b05ebc2: Configure Renovate (#1) (@renovate[bot])
- f452a99: chore(layer): update crds (@Alan-pad)
- 4894e41: chore: handle all time parsing errors (#35) (@spoukke)
- b63de84: chore: refactor code structure and change timer parsing (#28) (@spoukke)