๐ฒ = Paid,
๐ฉ = Limited Free,
๐ = 100% Free,
Please remember to always look at the license before using something in your project.
(Click to expand)
- 2D Cartoon Mobile Game UI Pack - cartoon user interface asset pack. It comes as a layered psd file. ๐
- 420 Pixel Art Icons for RPGs - Set of 420 RPG icons, free for commercial use. ๐
- GameartGuppy - Cheap 2D Assets ๐ฒ
- Games-Icons Set - free icons for your games. ๐
- HasGraphics - free sprites available for commercial and non-commercial games. ๐
- Iconmonstr - Another free icons resource for your games. ๐
- Kenny Assets - Royalty free assets ๐ฉ
- OpenClipart - Collection of free cliparts. ๐
- Oryx Design Lab - Cheap high quality royalty free sprites ๐ฒ
- SpriteLib - a collection of static and animated graphic objects (also commonly known as sprites). ๐
- Time Fantasy - Lovely SNES-Looking RPG Assets
- Tree Generator - An Online 2D tree generator. ๐
(Click to expand)
* [Blender 3D models](https://www.blender-models.com/) - 3D models, particle systems/effects ๐ * [Reiner's Tilesets](http://www.reinerstilesets.de/) - A blog with free 2D and 3D graphics. ๐ * [TextureKing](http://www.textureking.com/) - Free realistic meterial stock textures ๐ * [Yobi3D](https://www.yobi3d.com/) - Free 3D model search engine. ๐(Click to expand)
* [GameSounds](https://gamesounds.xyz/) - Archive of all kinds of royalty-free game sounds. ๐ * [FreePD](http://freepd.com/) - Public Domain Music ๐ * [FreeSFX](http://www.freesfx.co.uk/) - free sound effects ๐ * [Freesound](http://www.freesound.org/) - collaborative database of Creative Commons Licensed sounds ๐ * [Kavex's GameSounds](https://github.com/Kavex/GameSounds) - Free sounds for any use ๐ * [Musopen](https://musopen.org/) - Royalty free music. ๐ * [Nameless: the Hackers RPG Soundtrack](https://boxcat.bandcamp.com/album/nameless-the-hackers-rpg-soundtrack) - high-quality by BoxCat Games ๐ฒ * [Octave](http://raisedbeaches.com/octave/index.html) - free library of UI sounds, handmade for iOS. :free1: * [PacDV](http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/index.html) - royalty free sounds collection. ๐ * [SoundBible.com](http://soundbible.com/) - Royalty-free of sound effects under various licenses. ๐(Click to expand)
* [CGTextures](http://www.textures.com) - A large collection of textures. ๐ฉ * [GameDev Market](https://www.gamedevmarket.net/) - a community-driven marketplace that connects indie game developers with talented asset creators. ๐ฒ * [OpenGameArt](http://opengameart.org/) - a media repository intended for use with free software game projects. ๐ * [PlainTextures](http://www.plaintextures.com/) - Free high resolution textures, brushes and photos ๐ * [Sketchfab](https://sketchfab.com/) - Publish & embed interactive 3D models. ๐ฉ * [Upando](http://upan.do/) - Marketplace with lots of resources for game developers. ๐ฉ * [Vecteezy](http://www.vecteezy.com/) - Free Vector Art. ๐(Click to expand)
* [AdMob by Google](https://www.google.com.br/admob/) - Google's Ads and monetization service for mobile. * [AdColony](http://www.adcolony.com/) - Mobile video Ads service. * [Appodeal](http://www.appodeal.com/) - A programmatic ad mediation solution for mobile apps. * [ChartBoost](https://www.chartboost.com/) - Monetization, analytics platform. * [RevMob](https://www.revmobmobileadnetwork.com/) - Monetization and Ads solution. * [Unity Ads](https://unity3d.com/pt/services/ads) - Unity3D Official Ads SDK. * [Vungle](https://vungle.com/) - Video Ads service.(Click to expand)
* [Agen](http://2dengine.com/page.php?p=features) - Cross-Platform framework for making 2D games with Lua, compatible iOS, Mac and Windows devices. * [Allegro](http://liballeg.org/) - Allegro 4 & 5 are cross-platform, open source, game programming libraries, primarily for C and C++ developers.(Click to expand)
* [Azul3D](http://azul3d.org/) - A 3D engine written in Go. * [Blend4Web](http://www.blend4web.com/) - A Javascript framework for creating and displaying interactive 3D computer graphics in web browsers.(Click to expand)
* [BrowserQuest](https://github.com/mozilla/BrowserQuest)(Click to expand)
* [Boardgamizer](http://www.boardgamizer.com) - Board Game Design Idea Generator. ๐ * [Gigster](http://www.ludocraft.com/gigster/) Randomized Game Idea Generator ๐ * [RPTools](http://www.rptools.net) - a brand of open-source programs designed to enhance traditional pen-and-paper role playing games. ๐ * [Video Game Name Generator](https://videogamena.me) Randomized video games names ๐(Click to expand)
* [A Guide to Launching Indie Games](http://www.binpress.com/blog/2015/02/06/indie-game-launch-guide-pre-launch/) - successful launch strategy for Indie Games ๐ * [Gamebrief](http://www.metkis.com/gamebrief/index.html) Focus development of your game with 10 questions. ๐(Click to expand)
* [Board Game Mechanics](http://boardgamegeek.com/browse/boardgamemechanic) Set of different board game mechanics ๐(Click to expand)
* [Casual](https://casual.pm/) - Visual Project Management ๐ฒ * [HacknPlan](http://hacknplan.com/) - Project management for game developers ๐ฉ * [Taiga](https://taiga.io/) - Project management platform for agile developers & designers ๐ฉ * [Trello](https://trello.com/) - Organize and prioritize projects ๐ฉ(Click to expand)
* [Designer Notes](http://www.designer-notes.com/) - Soren Johnson's Game Design Journal ๐ * [Gamasutra](http://www.gamasutra.com/) - The Art & Business of Making Games :ree: * [Game Development on StackExchange](http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/) - Game Development Stack Exchange ๐ * [GameDev](http://www.gamedev.net/page/index.html) - Game Development Community ๐ * [GameDevs.org](http://gamedevs.org/) - various topics relating to game development ๐ * [GameJolt](http://gamejolt.com/) * [GameMarketeers](http://www.gamemarketeers.com/) * [Greenlit Gaming](http://greenlitgaming.com/) * [HTML5 Game Devs Forum](http://www.html5gamedevs.com/) * [HobbyGameDev](http://www.hobbygamedev.com/) * [Html5 Game Development](http://www.html5gamedevelopment.com/) * [IndieDB](http://www.indiedb.com/) * [Indius](http://indius.org/) * [Java Gaming](http://www.java-gaming.org/) * [Lost Garden](http://www.lostgarden.com/) * [Real-Time Rendering](http://www.realtimerendering.com/) * [Superlevel](https://superlevel.de/) * [TIGSource](http://www.tigsource.com/) * [TruePCGaming](http://truepcgaming.com/) * [WhatGamesAre](http://www.whatgamesare.com/featured-posts.html) * [iforce2d](http://www.iforce2d.net/) * [indiegames](http://indiegames.com/index.html) * [indievault](http://www.indievault.it/)(Click to expand)
* [3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development](http://www.amazon.com/Math-Primer-Graphics-Game-Development/dp/1568817231/) * [Artificial Intelligence for Games](http://www.amazon.com/dp/0123747317?tag=game-prog-books-20) * [Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications: A Programmer's Guide](http://www.amazon.com/Essential-Mathematics-Games-Interactive-Applications/dp/0123742978/) * [Flow](http://www.amazon.com/Flow-The-Psychology-Optimal-Experience/dp/0061339202/) * [Game Coding Complete](http://www.amazon.com/Game-Coding-Complete-Fourth-McShaffry/dp/1133776574/) * [Game Development Essentials: Game Level Design](http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1633392.Game_Development_Essentials) * [Game Engine Architecture](http://www.gameenginebook.com/) * [Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design](http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13705461-game-mechanics) * [Game Programming Gems](http://www.amazon.com/Game-Programming-Gems-CD/dp/1584500492) * [Game Programming Patterns](http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/) * [Game Scripting Mastery](http://www.amazon.com/Scripting-Mastery-Premier-Press-Development/dp/1931841578) * [Hello Scratch: Learn to Program by Making Arcade Games](https://www.manning.com/books/hello-scratch) * [Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with Shader-Based OpenGL, 6/E](http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/product/Interactive-Computer-Graphics-A-TopDown-Approach-with-ShaderBased-OpenGL/9780132545235.page) * [Level Up!](http://www.amazon.com/dp/047068867X?tag=game-prog-books-20) * [Mathematics For 3D Game Programming And Computer Graphics](http://www.amazon.com/dp/1435458869?tag=game-prog-books-20) * [Nature of Code](http://natureofcode.com/book/) * [Physics for Game Developers](http://www.amazon.com/Physics-Game-Developers-David-Bourg/dp/0596000065) * [Programming Game AI by Example](http://www.amazon.com/dp/1556220782?tag=game-prog-books-20) * [Real-Time Rendering](http://www.amazon.com/Real-Time-Rendering-Third-Edition-Akenine-Moller/dp/1568814240/) * [Rules of Play](http://www.amazon.com/Rules-Play-Game-Design-Fundamentals/dp/0262240459/) * [The Art of Game Design](http://www.amazon.com/The-Art-Game-Design-lenses/dp/0123694965/) * [The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design](http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/391752.The_Ultimate_Guide_to_Video_Game_Writing_and_Design) * [The Visual Story](http://www.amazon.com/The-Visual-Story-Creating-Structure/dp/0240807790/) * [Theory of Fun](http://www.amazon.com/Theory-Game-Design-Raph-Koster/dp/1449363210/) * [Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus](http://www.amazon.com/Tricks-Windows-Game-Programming-Gurus/dp/0672313618)(Click to expand)
* [CompoHub](http://compohub.net/) - A compilation site of many game jams in a timeline. * [Game jams on itch.io](https://itch.io/jams) - Listing of itch.io game jams * [Game Off](https://gameoff.github.com) - GitHub's game jam * [Indie Game Jams](http://www.indiegamejams.com/) - Listing of game jams * [Ludum Dare](http://ludumdare.com/) - very popular game jam * [One Hour Game Jam](http://onehourgamejam.com/) - Weekly 1 hour game jam(Click to expand)
* [Casual Connect](http://casualconnect.org/) ๐ * [Game Developer Magazine](http://www.gdcvault.com/gdmag) ๐ * [IndieMag](https://www.indiemag.fr/) ๐ * [Making Games](http://www.makinggames.biz/) ๐ * [indie-o-rama](http://www.indieorama.com/) ๐(Click to expand)
* [awesome-gametalks](https://github.com/hzoo/awesome-gametalks) - A curated list of game talks (GDC, youtube, etc).(Click to expand)
* [Fusion Character Animator](http://loopengo.free.fr/) - small tool for Clickteam Fusion 2.5 to facilitate the animation of 2D character sprites for developers. ๐ฒ * [ScreenToGif](https://screentogif.codeplex.com/) - record a selected area of your screen and save it as a Gif ๐ * [Spine](http://esotericsoftware.com/) - Spine is dedicated to 2D animation, providing an efficient workflow both for creating amazing animation and for integrating it into your games. ๐ฒ * [Spriter](http://www.brashmonkey.com/spriter.htm) - Modern tool for sprite animation. ๐ฒ * [DragonBones](http://dragonbones.effecthub.com) - The Open Source 2D skeleton animation solution for Flash(Click to expand)
* [Ardour](http://ardour.org/) - A multichannel digital audio workstation(Click to expand)
* [ImageAlpha](http://pngmini.com/) โ Mac OS X GUI for pngquant and other tools ๐ * [Image Asset Generation Photoshop plug-in](https://github.com/adobe-photoshop/generator-assets) โ Easy export layers to files.(Click to expand)
* [Charas](http://charas-project.net/index.php) - Charas is a charset generator for RPG Maker. ๐ * [Loose Leaf](http://www.geocities.jp/kurororo4/looseleaf/) - Sprite character generator ๐(Click to expand)
* [10xGDD](http://pixelatto.com/10xgdd/) A fun-centric design brief template for your game designs. ๐ * [articy:draft](http://www.nevigo.com/en/articydraft/overview/) visual environment for the creation and organization of game content. ๐ฒ * [Dundoc](http://www.dundoc.com/) Game Design starter Template ๐ * [plotbot](http://www.plotbot.com/) Write screenplays in your browser. ๐ * [Scrivener](https://www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener.php) Helps concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents ๐ฒ * [Tiny Game Design Tool](http://tinygdtool.urustar.net) small, portable booklet created in order to help game designers. ๐ * [Twine](http://twinery.org/) - Open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories.(Click to expand)
* [Atom](https://atom.io/) Highly customizable open source text editor(Click to expand)
* [Blender](http://www.blender.org/) - free and open source 3D creation suite(Click to expand)
* [Aseprite](http://www.aseprite.org/) - Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool ๐ฒ * [Hexels](https://www.marmoset.co/hexels/) - intuitive 2D, grid-based painting tool ๐ฒ * [Pickle](http://www.pickleeditor.com/) - Another Pixel art Editor. ๐ฒ * [PiskelApp](http://www.piskelapp.com/) - Free Online Pixel Art and Animated Sprite Tool.(Click to expand)
* [Cheetah-Texture-Packer](https://github.com/scriptum/Cheetah-Texture-Packer) - High efficient and fast 2D bin packing tool(Click to expand)
* [Artifex Terra](http://www.artifexterra.com/) - Terrain editor for easy and sophisticated landscape painting and editing ๐ * [Canyon Terrain Editor](https://entardev.wordpress.com/other-projects/canyon-terrain-editor/) - Create quality, realistic terrain quickly and intuitively ๐ * [Fracplanet](https://sourceforge.net/projects/fracplanet/) - Fractal planet and terrain generator * [Nem TG](http://nemesis.thewavelength.net/index.php?p=8) - 3D terrain generator * [World Machine](http://www.world-machine.com/) - Procedural terrain creation, simulations of nature, and interactive editing ๐ฒ(Click to expand)
* [FilterForge](https://www.filterforge.com/) - A plugin for Adobe Photoshop that allows you to build your own filters. ๐ฒ * [PixPlant](http://www.pixplant.com/) - Smart 3D texturing tool that creates high quality normal, displacement, specular maps and seamless textures from photos. ๐ฒ * [STG](http://www.seamlesstexturegenerator.com/) - a tool for creating professional seamlessly-tileable textures from photographs quickly and easily. ๐ฒ(Click to expand)
* [ArrayPainter](http://www.arraypainter.com/) - Array Painter is the easiest and fastest way to make 2D arrays ready for copy pasting into your own program. * [AutoTileGen](http://pixelatto.com) - AutoTileGen is an automatic tileset generator for 2D game terrains. ๐ฒ * [OGMO Editor](http://www.ogmoeditor.com/) - generic level editor.(Click to expand)
* [Gimp](http://www.gimp.org/) - GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.(Click to expand)
* [goxel](https://github.com/guillaumechereau/goxel) - Open source 3D voxel editor(Click to expand)
* [Simple HTML5 Canvas Game](http://www.lostdecadegames.com/how-to-make-a-simple-html5-canvas-game/) - Simple HTML canvas RPG looking game ๐ * [Udacity: HTML5 Game Development](https://www.udacity.com/course/html5-game-development--cs255) - HTML5 Game Development by Google ๐ * [Udemy: Make a Unity 2D Physics Game - For Beginners!](https://www.udemy.com/unity-2d-bouncing-and-sliding-with-physics/) - Unity 2D Physics ๐(Click to expand)
* [Coursera: Interactive Computer Graphics](https://www.coursera.org/learn/interactive-computer-graphics) ๐ * [Pixel Art Tutorial Basics for Beginners](http://gasara.deviantart.com/art/Pixel-Art-Tutorial-Basics-for-Beginners-356743783) * [Udacity: Interactive 3D Graphics](https://www.udacity.com/course/interactive-3d-graphics--cs291) - Interactive 3D Graphics by Google ๐ * [Udemy: The Complete Blender Creator Course](https://www.udemy.com/blendertutorial/) High quality Blender 3D tutorial for all levels ๐ฒ(Click to expand)
* [How To Make Game Music with FL Studio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkvx-ipbmVg) Youtube vid by rm2kdev ๐(Click to expand)
* [Coursera: Beginning Game Programming with C#](https://www.coursera.org/learn/game-programming) ๐ * [Khan Academy: Advanced JS: Games & Visualizations](https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/cs/programming-games-visualizations) ๐ * [Udemy: Fundamentals of Programming](https://www.udemy.com/fundamentals-of-programming/) ๐ * [Udemy: Learn to program Tic Tac Toe Game in Visual C++ on Windows](https://www.udemy.com/learn-to-program-tic-tac-toe-in-visual-c-on-windows/) ๐A selection of major game studios, publishers, etc. using GitHub: