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This page tries to describe the flavour of G-codes that the machine firmware uses and how they work

Updated Feb 12, 2014 by mrmarios97

Letter Addresses (or G-Code Fields)

Field Functionality
Gnnn Standard G Code command
Mnnn Miscellaneous commands' field
Tnnn Define tool (in this case it is only one)
Xnnn X coordinate field
Ynnn Y coordinate field
Znnn Z coordinate field
Fnnn Feedrate (speed in deg/sec)
Pnnn Time (in msec)
Rnnn Radius (not used at the moment)
Nnnn Command queue number


Command Name Description Parameters Used Example
G0 Rapid Positioning Move Rapidly to point M(x,y,z) X,Y,Z,F Yes G0 X23 Y34 F200
G1 Linear Interpolation Controlled move in a straight line to point M(x,y,z) X,Y,Z,F Yes G1 X32 F50
G2 Circular Interpolation Controlled circular move towards an arc CW X,Y,Z,R,F Yes G2 X20 R2
G3 Same as above but CCW Yes G3 X20 R2
G4 Dwell Do nothing for a defined time (in msec) P Yes G4 P300
G17 XY Plane No G17
G18 XZ Plane No G18
G19 YZ Plane No G19
G20 Coordinates to in All units are now in Inches (UK Metric System) No G20
G21 Coordinates to mm All units are now in Millimeters 10^(-3) m (S.I.) No G21
G28 Move to origin Move to zero endstops You can define which axis would be zeroed X,Y,Z Yes G28 X0 Z25.4
G90 Absolute Positioning System Programming from now on will be employed in Absolute Positioning System (APS) Yes G90
G91 Relative Positioning System Programming from now on will be employed in Relative Positioning System (RPS) Yes G91

Codes with command numbers less than 10 can be written by adding a 0 (zero) in front of them. e.g. G1 is the same as G01

Positioning and Measurements

Absolute Positioning System (APS)

In APS the set of all points is described relative to the starting point (a.k.a. the "home point" W). An example will be more comprehensive:

Point X Y Z
W 0 0 0
A 24 10.5 30
B 30 15 32

Relative Positioning System (RPS)

In RPS all coordinates are relative to the last position.

You must define the Unit System you're working with (Inches or Millimeters)

Units (Inches)

The usage of Inches (in) as a unit for length is at the momment being used only in UK.

1in is equal

SI units
0.0254 m 25.4 mm
US customary/Imperial units
1⁄36 yd 1⁄12 ft

Units (Millimeters)

The usage of Millimeters (mm) as a unit for length is used worldwide as a submultiple of 1m (S.I.) and it is equal to 1/1000 m


Command Name Description Parameters Used Example
M0 Stop Scheduled machine pause Yes M0
M1 Sleep Optional machine sleep Yes M1
M2 Finish End of program Yes M2
M6 Tool Change Only one tool is available No
M30 Loop Program Ends the current program and returns to its beginning Yes


Command Name Description Parameters Used Example
T1 Tool #1 The only tool being used for the time being No T1


Table of Points

Point X Y Z
W 0 0 0
1 10 -10 2
2 9 12 4


G0 X10 Y-10 Z2 F200
G1 X9 Y12 Z4 F150