Python/Matlab codes to run Channelized Response Variance analysis. Some of these codes are edited versions of original codes that can be found at . Codes here are written in Python 2.7 Original codes at above link have been updated to Python 3.5
Jarriel, T., F. Isikdogan, A. Bovik, P. Passalacqua, Characterization of deltaic channel morphodynamics from imagery time series using the Channelized Response Variance, Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, in press, doi:10.1029/2019JF005118.
Isikdogan, F., A. Bovik, P. Passalacqua (2017), RivaMap: An Automated River Analysis and Mapping Engine, Remote Sensing of Environment, 202, 88-97, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2017.03.044.
Isikdogan, F., A. Bovik, P. Passalacqua (2015), Automatic channel network extraction from remotely sensed images by singularity analysis, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 12, 11, 2218-2221, doi:10.1109/LGRS.2015.2458898.