Please Note: This repository includes a submodule which must also be cloned for certain notebook examples to run properly. Therefore, you must include the --recursive
option when running git clone, like this:
~$ git clone --recursive
You should notice these lines of output during the clone operation:
Submodule 'ml-lineage-helper' ( registered for path 'ml-lineage-helper' Cloning into '/home/sagemaker-user/workshops/amazon-sagemaker-feature-store-end-to-end-workshop/ml-lineage-helper'...
Module 1: Feature Store Foundations
- Topics:
- Dataset introduction
- Creating a feature group
- Ingesting a Pandas DataFrame into Online/Offline feature store
- GetRecord, ListFeatureGroups, DescribeFeatureGroup
- Topics:
Module 2: Working with the Offline Store
- Topics:
- Look at data in S3 console (Offline feature store)
- Athena query for dataset extraction (via Athena console)
- Athena query for dataset extraction (programmatically using SageMaker SDK)
- Extract a training dataset and storing in S3
- Topics:
Module 3: Training a model using extracted dataset from the Offline feature store
- Topics:
- Training a model using feature sets derived from the Offline feature store
- Deploying the trained model for real-time inference
- Topics:
Module 4: Leveraging the Online feature store
- Topics:
- Get record from Online feature store during single inference
- Get multiple records from Online store using BatchGet during batch inference
- Topics:
Module 5: Scalable batch ingestion using distributed processing
- Topics:
- Batch ingestion via SageMaker Processing job
- Batch ingestion via SageMaker Processing PySpark job
- SageMaker Data Wrangler export job to feature store
- Topics:
Module 6: Automate feature engineering pipelines with Amazon SageMaker
- Topics:
- Leverage Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler, Amazon SageMaker Feature Store, and Amazon SageMaker Pipelines alongside AWS Lambda to automate feature transformation.
- Topics:
Module 7: Feature Monitoring
- Topics:
- Feature Group Monitoring Preparation, DataBrew Dataset Creation
- Run Feature Group Monitoring using DataBrew Profile Job
- Visualization of Feature Group Statistics and Feature Drift
- Topics:
Module 8: Create, Delete and Query ML Lineage Tracking with Amazon SageMaker
- Topics:
- Create/Delete ML Lineage.
- Query ML Lineage by SageMaker Model Name or SageMaker Inference Endpoint
- Given a SageMaker Model name or artifact ARN, you can find associated Feature Groups
- Given a Feature Group ARN, and find associated SageMaker Models
- Given a data source's S3 URI or Artifact ARN, you can find associated SageMaker Feature Groups
- Given a Feature Group ARN, and find associated data sources
- Topics: