RMSQ for MSstats v3
Step 1: install dependencies
- Packages from CRAN
install.packages(c("gplots", "lme4", "ggplot2", "ggrepel", "reshape2", "data.table", "Rcpp", "survival", "getopt", "yaml", "pheatmap"))
- Packages from bioconductor
Step 2: Install MSstats
Recommended option: from bioconductor like this:
- Alternatively, use the version available in this repository
. Install it like this:
It is also available another version used a lot in the past (MSstats_3.3.10.tar.gz
Step 3: load the library of MSstats
Step 4: getting started. Check that it works
3 tab delimited files are required to run RMSQv3:
The output of the quantitative proteomics software package MaxQuant
It combines all the information about the identified peptides and normally
is the only file required for processing the results.
It contains the experimental design.
This file will be merged with the evidence.txt
file (i.e., the output of MaxQuant with the peptides identified) through the
"Raw.file" column.
Each raw file corresponds to a unique individual technical replicate /
biological replicate / Condition / Run.
Example (see test/example-keys.txt
RawFile | IsotopeLabelType | Condition | BioReplicate | Run |
FU20170922-17 | L | H1N1_03H | H1N1_03H-1 | 9 |
FU20170922-19 | L | H1N1_03H | H1N1_03H-2 | 10 |
FU20170922-21 | L | H1N1_06H | H1N1_06H-1 | 11 |
FU20170922-23 | L | H1N1_06H | H1N1_06H-2 | 12 |
FU20170922-35 | L | H1N1_12H | H1N1_12H-1 | 13 |
FU20170922-37 | L | H1N1_12H | H1N1_12H-2 | 14 |
FU20170922-39 | L | H1N1_18H | H1N1_18H-1 | 15 |
FU20170922-41 | L | H1N1_18H | H1N1_18H-2 | 16 |
FU20170922-01 | L | MOCK_03H | MOCK_03H-1 | 1 |
FU20170922-03 | L | MOCK_03H | MOCK_03H-2 | 2 |
FU20170922-05 | L | MOCK_06H | MOCK_06H-1 | 3 |
FU20170922-07 | L | MOCK_06H | MOCK_06H-2 | 4 |
FU20170922-09 | L | MOCK_12H | MOCK_12H-1 | 5 |
FU20170922-11 | L | MOCK_12H | MOCK_12H-2 | 6 |
FU20170922-13 | L | MOCK_18H | MOCK_18H-1 | 7 |
FU20170922-15 | L | MOCK_18H | MOCK_18H-2 | 8 |
The comparisons between conditions that we want to quantified. The written comparisons must follow the following consensus:
- The two conditions to be compared are separated by a dash symbol (
) - The condition on the left will take the positive log2FC sign (if it is more abundant) and the one on the right the negative log2FC (if it is more abundant)
- The only special character allowed for the condition names is the underscore (
Example (see test/example-contrast.txt
The configuration file in yaml
format contains the details of the analyses
performed by RMSQv3
. Check the folder test
for a sample configuration file
depending on the experiment. It currently covers the quantification of
protein abundance, phosphorylation (ph), ubiquitination (ub),
and acetylation (ac).
The configuration file contains the following sections:
files :
keys : /path/to/project/data/keys.txt
data : /path/to/project/data/data/evidence.txt
contrasts : /path/to/project/data/contrast.txt
output : /path/to/project/results/20160621-results.txt
sample_plots : 1
The file path/name
of the required files.
The option sample_plots (1/0) creates quality control plots, including heatmaps of the peptide features based on intensity values, and peptide counts.
enabled : 1
- 1 to pre-process the data provided in the files section.
- 0 won't process the data (and a pre-generated MSstats file will be expected)
enabled : 0 # 1 for protein fractions, 0 otherwise
aggregate_fun : sum
Multiple fractionation or separation methods are often combined in proteomics to improve signal-to-noise and proteome coverage and to reduce interference between peptides in quantitative proteomics. Use 1 to enable processing protein fractionation datasets. See the Special case: Protein fractionation section below for details.
enabled : 0 # 1 for SILAC experiments, 0 otherwise
Mark 1 if the files belong to a SILAC experiment. See Special case: SILAC below for details
enabled : 1 # Enables filtering
contaminants : 1 # Removes contaminants (CON__ and REV__)
protein_groups : remove # remove or keep protein groups
modifications : # empty for all, PH, UB, or AC
Filtering the datasets:
: 1 to remove contaminants (CON__
protein groupsmodifications
for all,ph
to select phospho-peptides,ub
ubiquitinated peptides, orac
to select acetylated peptides.
msstats :
enabled : 1
msstats_input :
version : # blank = R library version, MSstats.daily = a location where to find it
profilePlots : before-after # before, after, before-after, none
normalization_method : equalizeMedians # globalStandards (include a reference protein(s) ), equalizeMedians, quantile, 0
normalization_reference : #should be a value in the Protein column
summaryMethod : TMP # "TMP"(default) means Tukey's median polish, which is robust estimation method. "linear" uses linear mixed model. "logOfSum" conducts log2 (sum of intensities) per run.
censoredInt : NA # Missing values are censored or at random. 'NA' (default) assumes that all 'NA's in 'Intensity' column are censored. '0' uses zero intensities as censored intensity. In this case, NA intensities are missing at random. The output from Skyline should use '0'. Null assumes that all NA intensites are randomly missing.
cutoffCensored : minFeature # Cutoff value for censoring. only with censoredInt='NA' or '0'. Default is 'minFeature', which uses minimum value for each feature.'minFeatureNRun' uses the smallest between minimum value of corresponding feature and minimum value of corresponding run. 'minRun' uses minumum value for each run.
MBimpute : 1 # only for summaryMethod="TMP" and censoredInt='NA' or '0'. TRUE (default) imputes 'NA' or '0' (depending on censoredInt option) by Accelated failure model. FALSE uses the values assigned by cutoffCensored.
feature_subset: all # all|highQuality : highQuality seems to be buggy right now
If enabled (1), it will run MSstats with all the specified options. To find out more about the meaning of all the options, please, check the MSstats documentation
output_extras :
enabled : 1
msstats_output :
annotate : 0 # 1|0 whether to annotate the proteins in the results or not
species : HUMAN # if annotate = 1, provide specie name. It can use multiple species, but separate with a "-" eg. HUMAN-MOUSE-HIV-...
annotation_dir : /path/to/the/files # Required if "annotate = 1"
comparisons : all # or any grep expression that returns a subset of the contrasts file
LFC : -1 1
FDR : 0.05
heatmap : 1
heatmap_cluster_cols : 0
heatmap_display : log2FC #or pvalue
volcano : 1
Extra actions to perform based on the MSstats results.
To handle protein fractionation experiments, two options need to be activated
- The keys' file must contain and additional column named "
" with the information of fractions. For example:
Raw.file | IsotopeLabelType | Condition | BioReplicate | Run | FractionKey |
S9524_Fx1 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 1 |
S9524_Fx2 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 2 |
S9524_Fx3 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 3 |
S9524_Fx4 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 4 |
S9524_Fx5 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 5 |
S9524_Fx6 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 6 |
S9524_Fx7 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 7 |
S9524_Fx8 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 8 |
S9524_Fx9 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 9 |
S9524_Fx10 | L | AB | AB-1 | 1 | 10 |
S9525_Fx1 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 1 |
S9525_Fx2 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 2 |
S9525_Fx3 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 3 |
S9525_Fx4 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 4 |
S9525_Fx5 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 5 |
S9525_Fx6 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 6 |
S9525_Fx7 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 7 |
S9525_Fx8 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 8 |
S9525_Fx9 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 9 |
S9525_Fx10 | L | AB | AB-2 | 2 | 10 |
S9526_Fx1 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 1 |
S9526_Fx2 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 2 |
S9526_Fx3 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 3 |
S9526_Fx4 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 4 |
S9526_Fx5 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 5 |
S9526_Fx6 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 6 |
S9526_Fx7 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 7 |
S9526_Fx8 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 8 |
S9526_Fx9 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 9 |
S9526_Fx10 | L | AB | AB-3 | 3 | 10 |
Internally, the function getMSstatsFormat
handles the key step
(just a simple sum
- Enable fractions in the configuration file as follow:
enabled : 1 # 1 for protein fractions, 0 otherwise
aggregate_fun : sum
One of the most widely used techniques that enable relative protein quantitation is stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC). The keys file will capture the typical SILAC experiment. For example, let's show a SILAC experiment with two conditions, two biological replicates and two technical replicates:
RawFile | IsotopeLabelType | Condition | BioReplicate | Run |
QE20140321-01 | H | iso | iso-1 | 1 |
QE20140321-02 | H | iso | iso-1 | 2 |
QE20140321-04 | L | iso | iso-2 | 3 |
QE20140321-05 | L | iso | iso-2 | 4 |
QE20140321-01 | L | iso_M | iso_M-1 | 1 |
QE20140321-02 | L | iso_M | iso_M-1 | 2 |
QE20140321-04 | H | iso_M | iso_M-2 | 3 |
QE20140321-05 | H | iso_M | iso_M-2 | 4 |
It is also required to activate the silac option in the yaml file to be activated as follow:
enabled : 1 # 1 for SILAC experiments
MSstats_main.R -c configuration_file.yaml
These functions are designed to work with MaxQuant evidence files. The functions include a wide variety of options listed below.
The Arguments
section lists the arguments needed for each function.
The arcuments (proceeded by the short flag alias -x) should be entered in the
same line of the terminal, separated by spaces.
The RMSQ pipeline was designed to run in a certain order. The following is the propper order to perform the analysis with RMSQ for SILAC, PTM, and AMPS datasets.
- MaxQ_utilities -> convert-silac (for SILAC data only)
- MaxQ_utilities -> convert-sites
- MSstats
- MaxQ_utilities -> results-wide
- MaxQ_utilities -> mapback-sites
- MaxQ_utilities -> annotate
- MSstats
- MaxQ_utilities -> results-wide
- MaxQ_utilities -> annotate
Converts SILAC data to a format compatible with MSstats.
-c convert-silac
-f evidence_file_path
-o output_file_path
Get the list of unique Raw.files from an evidence file.
-c getRawFiles
-f evidence_file_path
-o output_file_path
This function is a preprocessing function that is used with PTM data. If you want to run a site specific analysis, before running MSStats on a PH/UB/AC set, you need to convert the evidence file into a format that MSStats will be able to diffentiate the sites with. This function outputs a new file that should be used as the input file for your MSStats group comparison analysis.
-c convert-sites
-f evidence_file_path
-o output_file_path
-p reference_proteom_file_path
-t mod_type (ph|ub|ac)
Annotates the proteins in the results or results-wide files after they've been through the MSStats pipeline. Multiple species can be searched at once, simply separate them by a "-". (eg. human-mouse)
-c annotate
-f results_file_path
-o output_file_path
-s species (human|mouse)
-d uniprot_dir (directory containing uniprot file with protein masses)
Converts the normal MSStats output file into "wide" format where each row represents a protein's results, and each column represents the comparison made by MSStats. The fold change and p-value of each comparison will be it's own column.
-c results-wide
-f results_file_path
-o output_file_path
Used with PTM datasets. Map back the sites to correct proteins after MSStats
analysis. This file is created previously when running the conver-sites
-c mapback-sites
-f results_file_path
-o output_file_path
-m mapping_file_path
Outputs a heatmap of the MSStats results created using the log2 fold changes.
-c heatmap
-f results_file_path
-o output_file_path
-l log2FC lower bound
-u log2FC upper bound
-q FDR significance cutoff
Outputs a replicate plots based on a user provied file containing the replicates to be compared. Values are based on the log2 value of the maximum intensities per modified sequence. The "replicate file" should describe which replicates of which conditions should be compared against each other. Each row represents a replicate plot to be created. The file should be structured using the following format and column names:
condition1 | rep1_1 | rep1_2 | condition2 | rep2_1 | rep2_2 |
Infected | Infected_Rep1_name | Infected_Rep2_name | Negative | Negative_Rep1_name | Negative_Rep2_name |
etc... | |||||
etc... |
condition1 | rep1_1 | rep1_2 | condition2 | rep2_1 | rep2_2 |
H1N1_03H | H1N1_03H-1 | H1N1_03H-2 | MOCK_03H | MOCK_03H-1 | MOCK_03H-2 |
H1N1_06H | H1N1_06H-1 | H1N1_06H-2 | MOCK_06H | MOCK_06H-1 | MOCK_06H-2 |
H1N1_12H | H1N1_12H-1 | H1N1_12H-2 | MOCK_12H | MOCK_12H-1 | MOCK_12H-2 |
MOCK_03H | MOCK_03H-1 | MOCK_03H-2 | MOCK_06H | MOCK_06H-1 | MOCK_06H-2 |
MOCK_03H | MOCK_03H-1 | MOCK_03H-2 | MOCK_12H | MOCK_12H-1 | MOCK_12H-2 |
The arguments for this optionare as follows:
-c replicateplots
-f evidence_file_path
-k keys_file_path
-r replicate_plot_info_file_path
-o output_file_path
Converts the MaxQuant evidence file to the 3 required files for SAINTexpress.
One can choose to either use the spectral counts
or the
for the analysis.
-c saint-format
-f evidence_file_path
-k keys_file_path
-o output_file_path
-p reference_proteome
-i identifier_column (sepctral_count|ms1)
Protein abundance dot plots for each condition. It takes as input the
output from MSstats.
-c data-plots
-f normalized.txt file path
-o output file name (add the `.pdf` extension)
Outputs the spectral counts from the MaxQuant evidence file.
-c spectral-counts
-f evidence_file_path
-k keys_file_path
-o output_file_path
Converts MaxQuant evidence file into a file format compatible with the MiST
pipeline using MS/MS.Count
. Note that this is the MiST data file,
and that an additional keys file will have to be constructed before
running MiST. Multiple species can be searched at once, simply separate
them by a "-". (eg. HUMAN-MOUSE
-c mist
-f evidence_file_path
-k keys_file_path
-o output_file_path
-s species (e.g.: `-s HUMAN-DENGUE`)
-d uniprot_dir (directory containing uniprot file with protein length)
Very similar to the mist
function, but instead of using MS/MS.Count
uses Intensity
values. Converts MaxQuant evidence file into a file format
compatible with the MiST pipeline. Note that this is the MiST data file,
and that an additional keys file will have to be constructed before
running MiST. Multiple species can be searched at once,
simply separate them by a "-". (eg. HUMAN-MOUSE
-c mistint
-f evidence_file_path
-k keys_file_path
-o output_file_path
-s species (e.g.: `-s HUMAN-DENGUE`)
-d uniprot_dir (directory containing uniprot file with protein length. E.g: ~/Box Sync/db/mist/)
Aggregates the normalized abundance and replicate data from the samples.
Uses the MSstat output file ...mss-sampleQuant.txt
for the aggregations,
and is applied directly to the MSstats results in wide format.
The resulting file will have "abundance" appended to the end of the file name.
-f sampleQuant_file_path
-n contrast_file_path
-r results_wide_file_path