This script was written to collect inventory information from Cisco networking equipment.
The script supports the following types of equipment:
• Cisco IOS and IOS-XE devices. (always works well)
• Cisco WLC. (always works well)
• Cisco SMB (SG300). (does not always work well, sometimes does not work)
• Cisco SMB (SG350, SG500). (50/50 - but sometimes it works)
The script saves the following useful information to the “inventory.xlsx” file:
• Ip address
• device type
• hostname
• pid
• sn
• os
• uptime (* not for Cisco SMB)
In addition, the script saves the full output of commands to a separate text file "raw_parsed_output.txt"
At runtime, the script uses the following commands:
• Cisco IOS and IOS-XE: 'show cdp neighbors', 'show inventory', 'show version'
• Cisco WLC:: 'show cdp neighbors detail', 'show inventory', 'show sysinfo'
The script requires the following Python modules:
• import time # To pauses
• import re # To regex
• import ipaddress # Module for work with IP address range
• import platform # To check OS type
• import subprocess # To run OS commands, such "ping"
• from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed # Parallel work some processes
• import getpass # To input password in safe mode
• from netmiko import ConnectHandler, SSHDetect # To work with network equipment
• import paramiko # To work with network equipment and determine the type of equipment manually
• import textfsm # To parse output of equipments
• from pprint import pprint # To usable print output
• from tabulate import tabulate # To usable table output
• import xlsxwriter # To save the files in Excel format
Make sure that you have all the necessary modules installed before you run the script. To get information about how to install modules in Python see
- Make a visual map of the network based on information about CDP neighbors ....