Welcome to my GitHub.
I started learning programming with World of Warcraf Addons in 2013-2014 because of [TukUI](https://www.tukui.org/welcome.php).Where we can remodel or create new features to the game interface.
So Lua Script was, propably, my first programming languages and is still one of my favorites.
- Lua Script programming language sparked my interest by programming.
- Elixir
- Interested in funcional programming
- Enjoyed the syntax
- Typescript
- NodeJS
- PostgreSQL
- 2009 - 2016: Mechanical Engineering Bachelor Degree
- 2019 - On Going: Working full-time as backend/frontend feveloper at a local RFID Company.
- Tecnologies used on work:
- PostgreSQL v11+
- Java (Backend)
- Play Framework - I don't like it, but i enjoy the use of actors model (akka).
- Micronaut
- NodeJS
- AngularJS v1.5 (nightmare)
- Vue.js
- RabbitMQ
- Docker + Docker-Composer
- Tecnologies used on work: