Web application to find, classify and mark tree-related microhabitats for the Förderprogramm klimaangepasstes Waldmanagement by using the geolocation api.
Classify | Info | Map | Current position | Statistics |
The application can be accessed at https://marker.tpoe.dev or self-hosted with docker. All information is stored locally on your device, ensuring no data is sent to the server. Data can be easily exported and imported from the map view.
- https://www.bmel.de/DE/themen/wald/klimaangepasstes-waldmanagement.html
- https://www.klimaanpassung-wald.de/
- https://www.waldwissen.net/de/lebensraum-wald/naturschutz/habitatbaeume-kennen-schuetzen-und-foerdern
This is probably not needed by anyone, as the first official release already uses version 3 of the data format.
npx tsx migrate.ts