- Support of uMint NFT Factory,
- CROWN Novel NFTs,
- TOMB smart Compiler,
- Storage synchronization speed enhancements,
- Minor bug fixes
Node and default config - Ubuntu 20.04+
2 CPUs
4GB Memory
Dependent libraries:
- #sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev
- Dotnet Core 3.1:
Open a terminal session to your Ubuntu instance
Download and unzip to a directory
Create a persistent screen from which to run the node
Run the node
- #screen -S spook
- #./spook-cli -conf=/home/bpetridis/syncedRPCNode/NodeConfig.json
Simply close your terminal window to disconnect. To reconnect, terminal in and run:
- #screen -rd spook
More information:
- You can optionally set the variables as per the root documentation for spook, however, the OOTB config.json has been included to run a local, self contained instance
- You can leverage this WIF to access a sandpit wallet on your SimNet with tokens "L2LGgkZAdupN2ee8Rs6hpkc65zaGcLbxhbSDGq8oh6umUxxzeW25"
- If you encounter any issues, simply log an issue and one of our team will assist you: