OAGSE (Open Advanced Google Search Engine) is a python program that allows you to quickly gather information from the google search engine.
The principle is simple, the program will collect information from several sites, before making a summary from these sources complete and detailed. The sources are always specified, so that the validity of the information can be checked.
Please read this carefully:
Be careful however, use this program keeping in mind that it is designed for the sole purpose of gathering information quickly. For example, we recommend that you do not use it in a school environment, as you will not learn anything. This program could also spread false information, so always check the information it provides against the various sources.
We are not responsible in any way, either explicitly or implicitly, for any damage or problems of any kind that this program may cause.
In any case, you and only you should be aware that you use this program at your own risk.
Dependencies / modules:
pip install questionary
pip install google
pip install nltk
pip install googlesearch-python
If pip doesn't work or if you can't install modules, you can try to upgrate it, this often solves the problem (this can happen on termux for example):
python -m pip install -–upgrade pip