PROD [Live] :
- List of cocktails by default, a search form to search for specific cocktails as we are typing, and along with the routes to the Home and About in the navigation bar.
- To get more details of a specific cocktail in the list, click on the Details.
- For each page render the Loading component has been implemented and unknown route URLs are handled by the Error component.
- To run the project locally, clone the repo,
npm install
to install the dependencies andnpm start
to start up the development server on default port 3000.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React ~ Context API - Hooks, React Router 6
The routing implemented using react-router-dom to work properly on the server side after it has been continuous deployed on Netlify, _redirects is added. For more info - Fix
If an error occurs 'CI' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
when npm run build is used for the production build locally and manually deploying on Netlify, make sure to remove CI=
for build in package.json
"build": "react-scripts build"
But make sure to add CI=
again when using continuous deployment setup on Netlify otherwise errors will occur
"build": "CI= react-scripts build",
To install React router 6
npm install react-router-dom@6
Note: I have developed this project ~ [15] as part of React and Projects Course taught by John Smilga.