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LastCrash Android (Kotlin) Sample Application

SDK Setup Instructions

Add Dependencies:

  • In your project settings.gradle.kts file, add the following under dependencyResolutionManagement-> repositories:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {
  • Then, add the following to your app build.gradle.kts file, then sync your project:

In the Android manifest for you app ensure the following permissions are granted:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE" />

Initialize SDK:

  • In your MainActivity file, add LastCrashListener, initialize the SDK, and configure the lastCrashDidCrash method.
  • Replace LASTCRASH_API_KEY with your LastCrash API key.

Optional Listener

Setting the listener is optional. If you would like to control the logic behind sending crash reports then implement the LastCrashListener interface and call setListener.

The lastCrashDidCrash method will be called when crash reports are available to send. This allows you to implement your own logic or ask the user for permission to send crash reports.

LastCrash.send() must be called to send the crash reports if the delegate is used.

Application not responding support

A call to LastCrash.applicationInitialized() must be made after your app is initialized in order to track application not responding (ANR) errors.

The reason this call to LastCrash.applicationInitialized() is required is to starting ANR monitoring only after everything in your app is initialized/loaded so false positives can be avoided.

Freeze support

A call to LastCrash.applicationInitialized() must be made after your app is initialized in order to track freeze (application not responding or ANR) errors.

The reason this call to LastCrash.applicationInitialized() is required is to starting Freeze monitoring only after everything in your app is initialized/loaded so false positives can be avoided.

Networking support

A LastCrashInterceptor class must be added to the OkHttpClient before its built to track networking errors and get summarized networking statistics including bytes sent/recieveed and response time.

OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
builder.addInterceptor(new LastCrashInterceptor());
OkHttpClient client =;

Force termination detection

Add the following service to your application manifest within the application tag in order to properly track user force terminations:

    <service android:name="io.lastcrash.sdk.ForceTerminationService"/>

Look at the application manifest in this repo for reference.


class MainActivity : LastCrashListener {
  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    LastCrash.configure("LASTCRASH_API_KEY", this)
  override fun lastCrashDidCrash() {
    // logic here to handle crash

ProGuard and Native Symbols

LastCrash can deobfuscate with any ProGuard-compatible mapping file and native (NDK) symbols file.

If your app uses ProGuard add the following to the ProGuard file:

-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable        # Keep file names and line numbers.
-keep public class * extends java.lang.Exception  # Optional: Keep custom exceptions.


Ensure pluginManagement includes the LastCrash maven repository.

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

Add the io.lastcrash.gradle plugin to your gradle environment and configure the LastCrash plugin with your API Key.

Configure which build variants you would like to deobfuscate and upload ProGuard mappings to LastCrash.

Here are full examples for both Kotlin and Groovy app gradle scripts.

Kotlin: build.gradle.kts

import io.lastrash.gradle.LastCrashExtension

plugins {
    // ...
    id("io.lastcrash.gradle") version "1.0"

lastcrash {
    apiKey = "LASTCRASH_API_KEY"
// ...

android {
  // To enable LastCrash mapping file upload for specific build types:
  buildTypes {
    release {
      minifyEnabled = true
      configure<LastCrashExtension> {
        uploadSymbols = true


  // To enable LastCrash mapping file upload for specific product flavors:
  flavorDimensions += "environment"
  productFlavors {
    create("staging") {
      dimension = "environment"
      configure<LastCrashExtension> {
        uploadSymbols = false
    create("prod") {
      dimension = "environment"
      configure<LastCrashExtension> {
        uploadSymbols = true

Groovy: build.gradle

plugins {
    id("io.lastcrash.gradle") version "1.0"

lastcrash {
    apiKey = "LASTCRASH_API_KEY"

android {
  // To enable LastCrash mapping file upload for specific build types:
  buildTypes {
    release {
      minifyEnabled true
      lastcrashExtension {
        uploadSymbols true


  // To enable Crashlytics mapping file upload for specific product flavors:
  flavorDimensions "environment"
  productFlavors {
    staging {
      dimension "environment"
      lastcrashExtension {
        uploadSymbols false
    prod {
      dimension "environment"
      lastcrashExtension {
        uploadSymbols true


Run app in Release mode with debugging turned off. For best results, run on a physical device, rather than an emulator.

Tap Test Crash to trigger a crash. Then re-run the app and watch the output log for the crash being uploaded. Go to your LastCrash account to view the crash recording.


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