Apocalyptic Vignettes is its own separate repo. This is for other ideas.
AV uses a stripped down PBtA engine. I have a feeling some of the ideas here will end up using full PBtA and more crunchiness. Containment may for instance work well in GUMSHOE, where you have to figure out the properties of the SCP using field notes and preliminary field tests.
PBtA was created by Meg and Vincent Baker for their game Apocalypse World, it's an extremely flexible game engine emphasizing narrativity over mechanics and allows a laser-like focus for telling stories within a desired genre. I'm not sure how much PBtA is the correct amount to call a game PBtA, but I am heavily inspired by their work.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License