The aim of the orthogonalize
package is to streamline the process of residualizing covariates by letting C++ do some of the heavy lifting.
Install orthogonalize
in your R session by running the following code:
To check the help documentation in R:
## OR
For ease of access, orthogonalize
provides a formula interface and a
few sane defaults. Basic functionality can look like this:
petalWidthPrime <- orthogonalize(
Petal.Width ~ ., iris
Slightly more complex requirements may call for within-group residuals or residuals offset by the intercept:
## By group
pwPrimeGroup <- orthogonalize(
formula = Petal.Width ~ .,
data = iris,
group = "Species"
## Add intercept
pwPrimeIntercept <- orthogonalize(
formula = Petal.Width ~ .,
data = iris,
intercept = TRUE
Following the main idea of letting C++ do the work, users can also supply multiple formulas in a list, as opposed to writing loops in R:
## Multiple formulas
widthPrimeMat <- orthogonalize(
formula = list(
Petal.Width ~ .,
Sepal.Width ~ .
data = iris
For a more modular apporach, the intercept and group arguments in the multi-formula case can either take on single values (the default) as in the example above or be tweaked to suit user requirements:
## Add intercept to first residual vector,
## but not the second.
widthPrimeInt <- orthogonalize(
formula = list(
Petal.Width ~ .,
Sepal.Width ~ .
data = iris,
intercept = c(TRUE, FALSE)
## Single-group residuals for first residual
## vector and within-group residuals for the
## second.
widthPrimeGrp <- orthogonalize(
formula = list(
Petal.Width ~ .,
Sepal.Width ~ .
data = iris,
group = c("", "Species")
## Tweaking both intercept and group
## parameters for each residual
## vector.
widthPrimeMat <- orthogonalize(
formula = list(
Petal.Width ~ .,
Sepal.Width ~ .
data = iris,
intercept = c(TRUE, FALSE),
group = c("Species", "")
If you encounter any bugs while using this software or have a suggestion, please file an issue or pull request on this page. For more general questions or assistance, please email me at