The whole coding journey of 50 days.
It contains handwritten notes of C++ and IMP DSA questions with solution.
- ✅ Day 1 :- Introduction
- ✅ Day 2 :- Data types
- ✅ Day 3 :- Operator
- ✅ Day 4 :- Selection Statement
- ✅ Day 5 :- Iteration statement
- ✅ Day 6 :- Function
- ✅ Day 1 :- Pointers
- ✅ Day 2 :- Array and 5 problems
- ✅ Day 3 :- duplicate element, merge sorted array,move element
- ✅ Day 4 :- Common element, next permutation, array subset or not
- ✅ Day 5 :- Subarray with 0 sum, longest subarray, longest consecutive
- ✅ Day 6 :- Minimum size subarray, maximum product subarray, triplet sum
- ✅ Day 7 :- Sort 0s,1s and 2s, median of sorted array
- ✅ Day 1 :- Alternate posiive & negative no's , Minimum no. of jumps, count pairs of sum
- ✅ Day 2 :- Kadnae's algorithm , majority element etc
- ✅ Day 3 :- Search in matrix , spiral traversal , Median of matrix
- ✅ Day 4 :- Maximum 1's row , kth smallest element
- ✅ Day 5 :- Rotate matrix clockwise , maximumn path sum
- ✅ Day 6 :- Set matrix zeroes, Transpose matrix
- ✅ Day 1 :- Merge sort , quick sort
- ✅ Day 2 :- Binary Search, Floor in sorted , Search insert position, Single element in sorted array
- ✅ Day 3 :-Nth root of M, Floor and ceil of number, Peak element, Square root of number, Aggressive cow, Allocate minimum number of pages
- ✅ Day 4 :- Introduction to Linked list, Insertion in linked list, Delete node in linked list, Count nodes, Search in linked list
- ✅ Day 5 :- Introduction to Doubly Linked list, Insertion in Doubly linked list, Delete node in Doubly linked list, Reverse DLL
- ✅ Day 1 :- Detect loop in linked list, Find length of loop
- ✅ Day 2 :- Delete middle, sort alternatively,intersection of two LL, Nth node from end
- ✅ Day 3 :- Remove duplicate in DLL, pair with given sum, Delete all occurrences of given key
- ✅ Day 4 :- Rotate linked list, Clone linked list
- ✅ Day 5 :- Implementation of stack using array,linked list , balanced parenthesis, minimum element
- ✅ Day 6 :- Implement queue using array, Implement queue using linked list, Implement queue using stack
- ✅ Day 1 :- Immediate smaller element ,Next greater element, Next greater element 2
- ✅ Day 2 :- Number of NGEs to the right, Remove k digit, Sum of subarray range
- ✅ Day 3 :- Introduction to tree, Binary tree representation, Preorder traversal, Inorder traversal, Postorder traversal
- ✅ Day 4 :- Level order traversal, Height of Binary tree, Check for balanced tree
- ✅ Day 5 :- Two tree identical or not, Maximum path sum from any node, Diameter of a binary tree
- ✅ Day 6 :- Top view of binary tree, Left view of binary tree, Bottom view of binary tree
- ✅ Day 1 :- Detect loop in linked list, Find length of loop
- ✅ Day 2 :- Delete middle, sort alternatively,intersection of two LL, Nth node from end
- ✅ Day 3 :- Remove duplicate in DLL, pair with given sum, Delete all occurrences of given key
- ✅ Day 4 :- Rotate linked list, Clone linked list
- ✅ Day 5 :- Implementation of stack using array,linked list , balanced parenthesis, minimum element
- ✅ Day 6 :- Implement queue using array, Implement queue using linked list, Implement queue using stack