a .Net API for controlling Philips Hue
var hue = new HueAPI();
var user = await hue.Configuration.CreateUserAsync(new CreateUserRequest { DeviceType = "my_hue_Application#Computer1" });
var userName = user["success"].UserName;
//Save the above UserName for later user
In the following example we are going to Turn on all of the lights in the Study over 1 second with full brightness
//User the Username that was returned from the Register Application
var hue = new HueAPI(_userName);
//Get a list of all Groups
var groups = await hue.Groups.GetAllGroupsAsync();
//Find a the group named Study
var studyId = groups.Where(g => g.Value.Name == "Study").Select(g => g.Key).First();
var builder = new GroupStateBuilder(studyId);
await builder.TurnOn()