add AWS SQS ReceiveMessage latency histogram
Add command line flags for parameters
Add configurable thread count for realtime updater
Add functional test
Adding e2e latency measurement for realtime updates
Allow specifying explicit histogram bucket boundaries
Allow the blob_storage_util cp command to work with local files.
Allow the DeltaFileRecordChangeNotifier to read local files as well as from S3
Batch delete SQS messages
Build delta files from csv
clean up realtime queues
Configure AWS hosted Prometheus.
Disable the use of exceptions
Enhance/Simplify local export of telemetry with OTLP.
Functional testing of local server with delta files
make AwsSnsSqsManager thread safe
Make the blob_storage_change_watcher tool work for local files
Make the blob_storage_util cat and rm commands work for local files
Make the blob_storage_util ls command work for local files and refactor out common parts from the AWS binary
Make the delta_file_watcher tool work for local files
Move the platform specific server configuration logic to a separate file
multi-threaded realtime notifier
realtime tester in a container
Reuse SQS client
Speed up test updates publisher
Tools for generating and inserting realtime test data.
Upgrade build-system to release-0.18.0
Upgrade build-system to release-0.20.0
Upgrade debian runtime images to 15 Feb 2023
Upgrade to build-system 0.17.0
Use a PlatformInitializer so the data_cli will compile for --platform=local
Bug Fixes
Add ability to interrupt a SleepFor Duration.
Add minimum shard size threshold for concurrent reader.
Launch Envoy first before all other processes.
Make MetricsRecorder a shared global instance.
Only run functional tests against local server
Remove functionaltest/run-server, update docs accordingly
Remove submodule section from docs
Run server in background, and reduce noise
Run server using delta files in run-server-docker
Update generate_load_test_data to use bazel-debian
Use symlink for identical test replies
Use VLOG for concurrent reader debugging logs.
Wait for envoy to respond before launching enclave service.
Add a playbook template for new alerts
Add description for backup_poll_frequency_secs
Add docs about how to run the server locally
fix /tmp/deltas discrepancy
remove obsolete service
Updating instructions on how to copy eif
Convert tfvar files to json
Support Prometheus service running in a different region
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