The web visualization of created avagi3d charactors. This work was done by my colleague Zhouhan Zhang, and I am the organizer only.
You will need to set up the EC2 instance and S3 on the AWS for this development.
- within the EC2 instance, download the mini-conda.
source ~/.bashrc
conda --version
After running conda --version, if it shows conda 24.4.0, then it succeeds.
- download the npm
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs npm
node -v
npm -v
After running 'node -v' and 'npm -v', if it shows 'v18.19.1' and '9.2.0' respectively, then it succedds.
- download the GitHub code into the EC2 instance
cd avagi_3d_vis
- install the dependences
conda create --name 3dAvagi python=3.11
conda activate 3dAvagi
cd back-end/src
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Edit the port In the AWS EC2 instance console, edit the inbound security group, add the front-end port (58118) and back-end (8999), the port may change due to the availability. Please check.
- In AWS console, open the S3 Buckets, goto the bucket you want to use, and get into "Permissions" tab.
- In the Permission tab, scroll down to CORS section, click 'Edit', to paste in following text, and save the change.
"AllowedHeaders": [
"AllowedMethods": [
"AllowedOrigins": [
"ExposeHeaders": [
"MaxAgeSeconds": 3000
- In the code of S3Utils, replace the 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'region_name', 'Params={'Bucket': 'your s3 bucket name here')' with correct values. Here 'your s3 bucket name here' is 'avagi_storage-12' as shwon in image before.
# connect to the hragent bucket in S3
session = boto3.Session(
aws_secret_access_key= 'your_secret_key',
region_name='eu-west-2' # change to the location of your s3 bucket
self.s3_client = session.client('s3')
self.s3_resource = session.resource('s3')
self.bucket = self.s3_resource.Bucket('your s3 bucket name here')
async def generate_download_link(self, file_key, expires=3600):
return self.s3_client.generate_presigned_url('get_object',
Params={'Bucket': 'your s3 bucket name here',
'Key': file_key},
- make sure add the public ipv4 with port 8999 in line 19 in as follow.
allow_origins=["http://localhost:3000", "your public ipv4 address:8999"], # Allows access from your React app
allow_methods=["*"], # Allows all methods
allow_headers=["*"], # Allows all headers
- make sure the port in line 104 is "" as the one in step "Edit the port"
screen -S 3DAvagiBackend
screen -S 3DAvagiFront
cd front-end
npm install --production
npm install bootstrap
HOST= PORT=58118 npm start --production