Pang Zi Jian Adrian
Peter Febrianto Afandy
Tng Jian Rong
Muhammad Nur Dinie Bin Aziz
Lionel Sim Wei Xian
Ryan Lai Wei Shao
It is designed with users at its core, providing real-time notifications of food listings, efficient reservation management, and safeguarding the quality and safety of donated food items, through the employment of AWS cloud services and advanced technologies including browser-based federated learning and Apache Kafka. By leveraging a cloud-native and microservices-based infrastructure using Kubernetes and Docker, and robust data exchange through gRPC and web-sockets, Food-Flow provides a scalable and reliable system, ensuring accessibility and usability for a wide user base.
Food-Flow is more than a platform; it is a step towards a world whereby every food item is valued and well-utilized. It is aimed at fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility amongst users, by empowering them to build a sustainable future together, one listing and reservation at a time. By connecting donors with users in need, Food-Flow promotes sustainable food practices and aims to reduce the impacts of food waste and insecurity in Singapore.
Food-Flow consists of 11 microservices that are orchestrated together using Docker, Kubernetes, and WebSocket. These microservices are split into six front-end microservices that serve as the backbone of the system, with the remaining five microservices catered towards supporting reservation operations.
These microservices include:
- Front-End Microservices:
- Front-End Microservice (Main UI for Food-Flow platform)
- Envoy Microservice (For inter-microservice communications)
- Authentication Microservice (For user authentication and CRUD operations)
- Listing Microservice (To support food listing operations)
- Amazon Web Services Microservice (Calls AWS API to access cloud services)
- Federated Learning Microservice (For distributed machine learning service)
- Reservation Microservices:
- Kafka Microservice (For handling food reservations)
- ZooKeeper Microservice (Manages Kafka microservice)
- React Reservation Microservice (Kafka producer, handles food reservation requests)
- Reservation Database Microservice (Kafka consumer, backbone of food reservation system)
- Reservation Socket Microservice (To enable real-time communications)
To see a walkthrough of the Food-Flow system and our presentation, click here, or scan the QR code below!
img/ (images for this file)
source/ (contains source code for Food-Flow)
mc-wrapper/ (Docker and Kubernetes files)
aws-s3-listing-service/ (code for AWS Microservice)
federated-learning/ (code for Federated Learning Microservice)
react-auth-service/ (code for Auth Microservice)
react-envoy-service/ (code for Envoy Microservice)
react-frontend-service/ (code for Front End Microservice)
react-listing-service/ (code for Listing Microservice)
reservation-cluster/ (code for Reservation Microservices)
react-reservation-service/ (code for React Reservation Microservice)
reservation-database-service/ (code for Reservation Database Microservice)
reservation-socket/ (code for Reservation Socket Microservice)
foodflow.sql (SQL migration file for Food-Flow's database) (this file)
NOTE: This project requires a significant amount of CPU and RAM to run, ensure that your device has at least 8GB of free RAM with a multi-core CPU (at least 3 cores)
NOTE: Each microservice is not designed to be executed independently as they are dependent on the services provided by one another. However, some microservice may still be executed independently but may not work as intended. To do so, build the Dockerfile
in the respective microservice's folder, and run the created image.
The entire Food-Flow system has been containerized into a Docker image. To run the Food-Flow system locally on your environment, we will run the main Docker image that contains the required .yaml
files to create the Kubernetes cluster.
Running the entire Food-Flow project is recommended to ensure that everything works as intended. To run Food-Flow, following the instructions below!
Ensure that you have the following software installed on the machine you are using:
Food-Flow requires the use of the following local ports to run, ensure that they are kept free and exposed in your machine's firewall settings:
Port 3000 (for Front-End Microservice) Port 9900 (for Envoy Microservice)
Ensure that your Kubernetes namespace food-flow is cleared
kubectl delete namespace food-flow
Remove any existing minikube configurations, if any
minikube delete
To handle its storage needs, a database has been pre-configured and is running on the cloud. However, if you intend to use your own database, follow the following instructions:
- Create a SQL database
- Import Food-Flow's database into your new database!
mysql -u<username> -p <your database> < foodflow.sql
- Modify the
Docker image'ssecrets.yaml
file with your database connection details (URL, host and password), ensuring that they are all base64 encoded.
Run the
Docker image!For Windows-based devices
docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $HOME/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config skyish/food-flow:windows
For Mac-based devices
docker run -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $HOME/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config skyish/food-flow:mac
Once an interactive terminal within the Docker container has been obtained, ensure that all the containers in the
namespace are running. This process may take a while as the project consists of 11 different microservices that need to be executed together with other load-balancing and scaling operations!# Within Docker container kubectl get all -n food-flow
You should wait until all respective pods are up and running before proceeding. An example of an expected output is provided below:
/app # kubectl get all -n food-flow NAME READY pod/aws-s3-listing-deployment-64895d6868-rjm4f 1/1 pod/aws-s3-listing-deployment-64895d6868-s2mkz 1/1 pod/federated-flask-deployment-6d96d5d5f8-6c7pr 1/1 pod/federated-flask-deployment-6d96d5d5f8-tlldh 1/1 pod/kafka-deployment-1-f57fc5fbc-flsxx 1/1 pod/kafka-deployment-2-6f5769c7c5-kf2sz 1/1 pod/react-auth-deployment-6b84556ddf-hc64l 1/1 pod/react-auth-deployment-6b84556ddf-vzctj 1/1 pod/react-envoy-deployment-6556f5fd57-fzh7x 1/1 pod/react-frontend-deployment-8466d49c9-4vl2x 1/1 pod/react-frontend-deployment-8466d49c9-htb7t 1/1 pod/react-listing-deployment-6fdccb46ff-54th8 1/1 pod/react-listing-deployment-6fdccb46ff-llmdq 1/1 pod/react-reservation-deployment-6bb674fd69-4l85l 1/1 pod/react-reservation-deployment-6bb674fd69-5s4lk 1/1 pod/reservation-database-deployment-7ff47c6cc5-2k4fj 1/1 pod/reservation-database-deployment-7ff47c6cc5-4p2j4 1/1 pod/reservation-socket-deployment-6fd569cb79-7n8r4 1/1 pod/reservation-socket-deployment-6fd569cb79-j2qbg 1/1 pod/zookeeper-deployment-1-7989c6c445-vtxsw 1/1 pod/zookeeper-deployment-2-7989c6c445-p92zn 1/1 NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) service/aws-s3-listing-service ClusterIP <none> 5001/TCP service/federated-flask-service ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP service/kafka-service-1 LoadBalancer localhost 9092:31079/TCP,29092:32098/TCP service/kafka-service-2 LoadBalancer localhost 9092:31894/TCP,39092:32645/TCP service/react-auth-service ClusterIP <none> 5000/TCP service/react-envoy-service LoadBalancer localhost 9900:30804/TCP,9901:30532/TCP service/react-frontend-service LoadBalancer localhost 3000:32241/TCP service/react-listing-service ClusterIP <none> 5002/TCP service/react-reservation-service ClusterIP <none> 5003/TCP service/reservation-socket-service LoadBalancer localhost 8282:30626/TCP service/zookeeper-service-1 LoadBalancer localhost 22181:31424/TCP service/zookeeper-service-2 LoadBalancer localhost 32181:32064/TCP NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE deployment.apps/aws-s3-listing-deployment 2/2 2 2 deployment.apps/federated-flask-deployment 2/2 2 2 deployment.apps/kafka-deployment-1 1/1 1 1 deployment.apps/kafka-deployment-2 1/1 1 1 deployment.apps/react-auth-deployment 2/2 2 2 deployment.apps/react-envoy-deployment 1/1 1 1 deployment.apps/react-frontend-deployment 2/2 2 2 deployment.apps/react-listing-deployment 2/2 2 2 deployment.apps/react-reservation-deployment 2/2 2 2 deployment.apps/reservation-database-deployment 2/2 2 2 deployment.apps/reservation-socket-deployment 2/2 2 2 deployment.apps/zookeeper-deployment-1 1/1 1 1 deployment.apps/zookeeper-deployment-2 1/1 1 1 NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY replicaset.apps/aws-s3-listing-deployment-64895d6868 2 2 2 replicaset.apps/federated-flask-deployment-6d96d5d5f8 2 2 2 replicaset.apps/kafka-deployment-1-f57fc5fbc 1 1 1 replicaset.apps/kafka-deployment-2-6f5769c7c5 1 1 1 replicaset.apps/react-auth-deployment-6b84556ddf 2 2 2 replicaset.apps/react-envoy-deployment-6556f5fd57 1 1 1 replicaset.apps/react-frontend-deployment-8466d49c9 2 2 2 replicaset.apps/react-listing-deployment-6fdccb46ff 2 2 2 replicaset.apps/react-reservation-deployment-6bb674fd69 2 2 2 replicaset.apps/reservation-database-deployment-7ff47c6cc5 2 2 2 replicaset.apps/reservation-socket-deployment-6fd569cb79 2 2 2 replicaset.apps/zookeeper-deployment-1-7989c6c445 1 1 1 replicaset.apps/zookeeper-deployment-2-7989c6c445 1 1 1 NAME REFERENCE TARGETS MINPODS MAXPODS REPLICAS horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/federated-flask-deployment Deployment/federated-flask-deployment 0%/80% 2 5 2 horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/react-frontend-deployment Deployment/react-frontend-deployment 21%/80% 2 8 2
When running on a Mac device, you may encounter issues with Kubernetes' API as follows:
**E1110 11:28:05.888283 47 memcache.go:265] couldn't get current server API group list: Get "http://localhost:8080/api?timeout=32s": dial tcp** **: connect: connection refused** **E1110 11:28:05.892096 47 memcache.go:265] couldn't get current server API group list: Get "http://localhost:8080/api?timeout=32s": dial tcp** **: connect: connection refused**
To fix this issue, perform the following steps:
- Edit the configuration in `/root/.kube/config`` (VIM is installed in the image)
vi /root/.kube/config
- Edit the “server” option in
to the below:server: https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443
- Save and test the configuration:
kubectl get all -n food-flow
- Edit the configuration in `/root/.kube/config`` (VIM is installed in the image)
Enter the Food-Flow web application by opening up http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
Enjoy making a food listing and reserving food listings on Food-Flow!