Simple api for managing chess games.
Firstly you need to create instance of
Generic type parameter Key
is used as a key for accessing games managed by the object.
Note: Type given as key must override both equals, and hashCode methods. It's required, due to internal use of HashMaps
Then you need an implementation of
One game per one instance is the recommended technique, although if the client deals with synchronisation it's not required.
There are also other optional features.
class Listener implements ChessEventListener {
private final GamesManager<String> manager;
Listener(GamesManager<String> manager) {
this.manager = manager;
@Override public void onMate(Color winner) {
System.out.println(winner + " won!");
@Override public void onDraw(DrawReason reason) {
System.out.println("That's a draw!");
@Override public void onMoveHandled() {
var read ="Coffee");
for (ChessPiece[] chessPieces : read) {
for (ChessPiece piece : chessPieces)
if (piece == null) System.out.print(" ".repeat(3));
else System.out.print(piece.color().name().charAt(0) + piece.toString() + " ");
@Override public void onIllegalMove() {
System.out.println("You can't move like that");
@Override public boolean onDrawRequest(Color requestor) {
return false;
//i know i know, but it ain't hard to write just wordy.
@Override public Class<? extends Piece> onPawnExchange() {
return Queen.class;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var manager = new GamesManager<String>();
manager.newGame("Coffee", new Listener());
var in = new Scanner(;
for (String input = in.nextLine(); !input.equals("quit"); input = in.nextLine())
manager.move("Coffee", input);
Class GameInfo lets you save info about players in the game.
manager.attachInfo(new GameInfo<>("Coffee", 21, 37));
- First parameter - gameKey
- Second and third parameter - white and black players
- First Type parameter - gameKey's type
- First Type parameter - the players' type