A web scraper based on Scrapy to harvest scientific papers from conference and journal websites. You need to install scrapy
package for your python IDE. To get familiar with Scrapy, please vist the website https://docs.scrapy.org/en/latest/
We gather the following information about each article. This class is in the items.py
file. This is the common scheme for all spider to gather consistent information.
class PaperItem(scrapy.Item):
# define the fields for your item here like:
pub_type = scrapy.Field() # values: conf, journal
pub_name = scrapy.Field() # the name of the conference of journal
pub_url = scrapy.Field()
issue_name = scrapy.Field()
issue_url = scrapy.Field()
issue_year = scrapy.Field()
paper_title = scrapy.Field()
paper_url = scrapy.Field()
paper_abstract = scrapy.Field()
paper_keywords = scrapy.Field()
paper_doi = scrapy.Field()
paper_authors = scrapy.Field()
paper_pdf = scrapy.Field() # The url to the pdf file of the paper if available
paper_poster = scrapy.Field() # The poster file to the video of the paper if available
paper_video = scrapy.Field() # The url to the video of the paper if available
The items are stored in a csv
file. Currently, the gathered articles are in data/papers.csv
The spiders are kept in the spiders
folder. There are currently two spiders, aclweb
and iswc
, in this folder. Each spider is defined as a class in one or seperated files. We recommand to use a separate file for each spider. For more information about spiders, refer to https://docs.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/spiders.html
As an example, the aclweb
spider gathers the papers from the ACL website: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/. This URL is defined in the start_urls
of the class. Please note that the name of the spider is also defined in the class. This name is later used to run the spider. You can use this spider as an example to develope new spiders for other websites.
class ACLWebSpider(scrapy.Spider):
""" A spider to collect articles from ACLWeb.org website """
name = 'aclweb'
start_urls = [
def parse(self, response):
To run a spider use a command line in the Terminal of python.
scrapy crawl aclweb -o data/papers.csv
The gattered items by the spider will be appended to the data/papers.csv
If you want to filter the scraped items based on some fileds you can use the pipelines
. Papelines are used for post-procssing the fetched itmes. We currently implemented two filters to filter the items based on the publishing year and some words in the title. However, we don't recommend to use these filters at this stage. These filters can be later applied on the database.
To activate a pipeline, you need to add it to the ITEM_PIPELINES
in the settings file:
# 'articlesbot.pipelines.FilterYearPipeline': 1,
# 'articlesbot.pipelines.FilterMustContainsPipeline': 2,
# 'articlesbot.pipelines.JsonWriterPipeline': 3
For more information on pipelines please refer to: https://docs.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/item-pipeline.html
If you want to store the output of the Scrapy run to a log file, you can specify the log file name in the settings:
LOG_FILE = mylog.log
or use the --logfile
opetion when running a spider:
scrapy crawl aclweb -o papers.csv --logfile mylog.log
The output of Scrapy contains warning, info or errors of the running spider. So, the logfile can be useful to check the possible errors.
You can generate reports based on the databasae by writing custom functions. We already wrote generate.py
which generate an html file contianing the title, year and the abstract of some selected papers. You can also use applications like Excel, SPSS or R to process the database. TAD
viewer is a simple tool to view and filter the database: https://www.tadviewer.com/. We recommend R to process and generatign reports on the articles.
You can pull intersting reports to reports
If you want to colloberate on the project, you can clone the nlplab
branch using git
and then push the changes to this branch. Later, using pull requests changes will be merged to the master
branch. To get started on using github
please refer to: https://guides.github.com/activities/hello-world/
You can also discuss issues and provide suggestions using the Issues