This project is not being actively maintained please use:
Spotify Playback Plugin.
No iOS Implementation yet, WIP..
- Play (track / album / playlist)
- Resume / pause
- Queue
- Playback position
- Seek
- Seek to relative position
- Play Next
- Play Previous
- Repeat
- Shuffle
- Get image
- Image link to URI
Make sure you have the Spotify app installed and that you are logged in or your test device!
First, add spotify_playback
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml
Afterwards, download the Spotify Android SDK here and move the spotify-app-remote-release-x.x.x.aar file to android/app/libs/
in your project.
Then initialize the spotify playback sdk like this
void initState() {
/// Initialize the spotify playback sdk, by calling spotifyConnect
Future<void> initConnector() async {
try {
await SpotifyPlayback.spotifyConnect(clientId: "", redirectUrl: "").then(
(connected) {
if (!mounted) return;
// If the method call is successful, update the state to reflect this change
setState(() {
_connectedToSpotify = connected;
}, onError: (error) {
// If the method call trows an error, print the error to see what went wrong
} on PlatformException {
print('Failed to connect.');
After this you can use all the available methods
Demonstrates how to use the spotify_playback plugin.
See the example documentation for more information.
Get image accepts the following parameters:
- URI, the spotify image uri - string
- Quality, the quality the image should be provided in - int 0-100
- Size, the spotify image size can be one of the following
- ImageDimension.THUMBNAIL = 144px
- ImageDimension.X_SMALL = 240px
- ImageDimension.SMALL = 360px
- ImageDimension.MEDIUM = 480px
- ImageDimension.LARGE = 720px
//You can provide an image uri
SpotifyPlayback.getImage(uri: "spotify:image:3269971d34d3f17f16efc2dfa95e302cc961a36c", quality: 100, size: 360);
//Or you can provide an url returned webAPI
SpotifyPlayback.getImage(uri: SpotifyPlayback.imageLinkToURi(""), quality: 100, size:360);
//Theese both return a Uint8List encoded image.
//You can then use the Image.memory() to display the image
- Alexander Méhes | BMXsanko
Feel free to contribute by opening issues and/or pull requests. Your feedback is very welcome!
MIT License
Copyright (c) [2019] [Joran Dob] Copyright (c) [2019] [QREATE]