This package reads data files in inp
format for Multi-Depot Vechile Scheduling Problem (MDVSP) instances.
The type used by the package is Data
, defined as follows:
struct Data
depots::Vector{Int64} # Depots' indexes (in sequence)
tasks::Vector{Int64} # Tasks' indexes (in sequence)
vertices::Vector{Int64} # All indexes
vehicles::Vector{Int64} # Number of vehicles in each depot
costs::Matrix{Int64} # Costs (times) from each pair of tasks
name::String # Instance name
lb::Int64 # Lower bound (0 if not known)
ub::Int64 # Upper bound (type_max(Int64) if not known)
Some toy MDVSP instances are preloaded. See the full list.
Classical MDVSP instances from the literature are downloaded on demand from this site.
For example, to load MDVSP instance m4n500s0
data = loadMDVSP("m4n500s0")
The package still does not load custom MDVSP instances.
MDVSP is not a registered Julia Package... You can install MDVSP through the Julia package manager. Open Julia's interactive session (REPL) and type:
] add
- KnapsackLib.jl: Knapsack algorithms in Julia
- FacilityLocationProblems.jl: Facility Location Problems Lib
- AssignmentProblems.jl: Assignment Problems Lib
- BPPLib.jl: Bin Packing and Cutting Stock Problems Lib
- CARPData.jl: Capacitated Arc Routing Problem Lib
- CVRPLIB.jl: Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Lib
- TSPLIB.jl: Traveling Salesman Problem Lib