This module implements linear propagation of errors, including correlations of variables.
- Variables with uncertainties are defined as type (ureal), and initialized by assigning them to a 2-component 1d array.
use uncertainties
type (ureal) :: a
a = (/1.0D0,0.1D0/) ! variable a has value 1.0 and error 0.1
- One can perform normal operations with variables
type (ureal) :: a, b, c
a = (/1.0D0,0.1D0/) ! variable a has value 1.0 and error 0.1
b = (/2.0D0,0.3D0/) ! variable b has value 2.0 and error 0.3
c = a+b ! variable c has value 3.0 and error sqrt(0.3**2+0.1**2)
- Intrinsic functions work (currently supported are: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sinh, cosh, tanh, sqrt, log, log10, exp)
type (ureal) :: a, b, c
a = (/1.0D0,0.1D0/) ! variable a has value 1.0 and error 0.1
b = (/2.0D0,0.3D0/) ! variable b has value 2.0 and error 0.3
c = sin(a) + sqrt(b)
- All initialized variables are assumed uncorrelated. After, all correlations are taken into account automatically
type (ureal) :: a, b, c, d
a = (/1.0D0,0.1D0/) ! variable a has value 1.0 and error 0.1
b = (/2.0D0,0.3D0/) ! variable b has value 2.0 and error 0.3
c = (a+b)**2
d = c - (a**2 + b**2 +2*a*b) ! Variable d has value 0 and error 0
Alberto Ramos wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.