#string-class Extends the javascript String Class using prototype programming to support more string manipulations.
Methods added to extend String Class
- hasVowels - Tests to see if a string contains vowels. Returns (boolean) true if vowels exist or false otherwise.
- toUpper - Converts all characters to uppercase characters. (Return type = string).
- toLower - Converts all characters to lowercase characters. (Return type = string).
- ucFirst - Converts first character of a string to uppercase character. (Return type = string).
- isQuestion - Checks if a string is a question (ends with '?'). Returns (Boolean) true if it ends with '?' or false otherwise.
- words - Extracts the list of the words in a string, and return as an Array. (Return type = string).
- wordCount - Counts the number of words in a string. (Return type - number).
- toCurrency - Converts strings of numbers to currency representation. (Return type - string).
- fromCurrency - Converts currency representation to number representation. (Return type = number).
- inverseCase - Converts each letter to the inverse of its current case. (Return type - string).
- alternatingCase - Converts each characters to alternating character cases. (Return type - string).
- getMiddle - Determines the character(s) in the middle of a string. Returns (string) middle character(s).
- numberWords - Converts numeric literals to string literals (words). Returns numbers in words (string).
- isDigit - Determines if the string is a digit. Returns (boolean) true if digit, false otherwise.
- doubleCheck - Determines if a string contains double characters. Returns (boolean) true if it contains double characters, false otherwise.
Run the test
- Run
npm test
Technologies Used
- Javascript (ES6)
- Nodejs
- Mocha
How to Contribute
- Fork or clone the repo to your folder.
- Change directory:
cd string-class
- Run
npm install
- Create a feature branch and work on it.
- Push to the remote branch.
- Open a Pull Request to develop branch.
- The program does not run on webbrowsers.
- It is intended to be used by developers / technical persons.