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Article Build Workflow

Charlie Greenman edited this page Feb 26, 2021 · 8 revisions

This page is going to discuss the article build workflow.

Build Workflow

  1. articles.json contains a files: array of articles to be built.
  2. Using the Razroo Markdown engine, articles are built to the ./build/articles folder.
  3. If a new file that did not exist before is being built, a new request to Strapi is made.
  4. If it was a pre-existing file that existed, content is updated. ID is used, and push is made.
  5. If a file name is changed, then the article is deleted. The new file is created.

Technical workflow

  1. We maintain a 1-1 relationship between strapi APIs and content. So instead of an articles API with categories, we have an angular-content API, that solely contains angular content from this repo. It allows us to do a fresh build if needed.
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