This is a water quality data visualization and exploration tool. You can view it on
If you are interested in helping out, check the projects board and reach out in #pluspool and via
We are happy to receive any feedback using github issues
Bills supported by +Pool:
[reaktor/pluspool-led] application respository, built with Next.js
[reaktor/pluspool-serverless] New version of data scraping collection managed by AWS CDK Application
[reaktor/pluspool-led-scrape-data] Legacy version data scraping tool, able to run every 6 minutes on Github Actions
[jedahan/predicted-mpn] npm package for turning rainfall data into predicted bacteria amount
datagarrison - used for central park rainfall data, and the sensor in pier 17
noaa tides and currents - used for speed and direction of water flow
We have credentials in our 1password pluspool vault, ask to be added there
We use google analytics to look at pageviews - ask an existing GA admin to add you as an admin for the dashboard property
AWS Data collection functionality and s3 bucket for samples data
Vercel Application hosting
netlify Leagcy :: for application hosting
digital ocean Legacy :: for grabbing all the data and uploading to s3
mediatemple nameserver for
To start developing:
npm install
npm start
xdg-open http://localhost:3000 || open $_
Deployments are done with Vercel. Any pushes to the stable
branch trigger a deploy.
Vercel hosts our Next.js app with SSG(Static Site Generation) and ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration).
AWS CDK Step function worfklow also triggers a site deploy via deploy hook everytime data scraping completes based on its cron schedule
Legacy: site settings can still be viewed, but dns zones are deleted and repository link disabled.
Deployments are done with Netlify. Any pushes to the stable
branch trigger a deploy.
Netlify is a static site hosting service therefore npm run deploy
runs next build
as well as next export
This will generate a static file version of our site inside /out
directory. More info about static export in Next
can be found here.
For info on the S3 configuration for the data files look here.
- Repository:
- Base directory:
Not set
- Build command:
npm run build
- Output directory:
Next.js default
- Production branch:
- Deploy previews:
Automatically build deploy previews for all pull requests
- Branch deploys:
Deploy all branches pushed to the repository
Project built with Next.js