How to draw smooth line (OpenGL on iOS)
NOTE - Code is not presented since that's still running in the commercial product, but anyway it should be quite easy to implement based on the idea below.
for three points a c-(stands for control point) b, by step number, step must be odd
for both x,y:
d1 = c - a;
d2 = b - c;
for all d:
dStep = d/step;
for all dStep: - this is the key of the algorthim - the change rate of the change
ddStep = dStep/step;
if we need draw a to b arc controlled by c with each step, we can know each step's position
stepi = step(i-1) + d1Step + d2Step + dd1Step(step/2 - i) + dd2Step(i - step/2)
basic ideas is
1. Overall, each step needs to make the position change of dstep
2. But when it nears A, the dStep a -> c needs to influence more on the delta, while oppsitely the influence of c -> b needs to be weaken during that time. Vice versa for c -> b.
3. The sum of the all steps' influence delta needes to be 0. After all, the dstep * step is all we need.
PS - tradition algorithm that you may find online:
1. find the center of circel that goes through these three points.
2. mark out the radius to them.
3. move the radius by angle through three points.