This is a CLI utility that is used to test the connectivity between your JDK/JRE to an SSL endpoint. This outputs SSL information like the Ciphers, Protocol, prints Certificate details and it is fully customizable using CLI.
This is based upon ssltest. Unlike, ssltest, this is multi threaded and is supposed to be 10x
times faster to produce results.
Usage: javassltest [opts] host[:port]
-sslprotocol Sets the SSL/TLS protocol to be used (e.g. SSL, TLS, SSLv3, TLSv1.2, etc.)
-enabledprotocols protocols Sets individual SSL/TLS ptotocols that should be enabled
-ciphers cipherspec A comma-separated list of SSL/TLS ciphers
-keystore Sets the key store for connections (for TLS client certificates)
-keystoretype type Sets the type for the key store
-keystorepassword pass Sets the password for the key store
-keystoreprovider provider Sets the crypto provider for the key store
-truststore Sets the trust store for connections
-truststoretype type Sets the type for the trust store
-truststorepassword pass Sets the password for the trust store
-truststorealgorithm alg Sets the algorithm for the trust store
-truststoreprovider provider Sets the crypto provider for the trust store
-crlfilename Sets the CRL filename to use for the trust store
-check-certificate Checks certificate trust (default: false)
-no-check-certificate Ignores certificate errors (default: true)
-verify-hostname Verifies certificate hostname (default: false)
-no-verify-hostname Ignores hostname mismatches (default: true)
-showsslerrors Show SSL/TLS error details
-showhandshakeerrors Show SSL/TLS handshake error details
-showerrors Show all connection error details
-hiderejects Only show protocols/ciphers which were successful
-showcerts Shows some basic Certificate details
-h -help --help Shows this help message
-v -version --version Shows the version information and exists
To make the distribution seamless, we have used Node Package Manager (NPM) based approach. That will require you to install the application using NPM.
- NodeJS
- Probably a pre-installed JDK/JRE on your computer.
Runs on any platform that supports requirements including Mac, Windows, and Linux.
To install the CLI tool just run the following command.
npm i -g java-ssltest-cli
If you are running into permission issues on installing global application please refer to this link.
One of the known issue is some of the node versions that do not work and throws errors. In that case please consider the following,
Downgrade the Node Version to the previous stable LTS (Long Term Support) version of nodejs.
Steps to be followed,
- Install NVM:
- Install the stable version of nodjs using:
nvm install v8.11.1
- Install your cli tool:
npm i -g <your-app-name>
The other issue could be your JDK or JRE are conflicting on the path and that is causing the mixed runtime and Java SSL API is not able to use the correct runtime values.
Steps to be followed,
- Set the
On linux/unix based systems,
export JAVA_HOME=</path/to/your/java/home>
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
On Windows,
set JAVA_HOME=</path/to/your/java/home>
- Now run your command
If the above options did not help and you wish to report issues please visit and log your issues with the following details,
java -version
outputjavac -version
outputnpm -v
outputnode -v
To make this happen I will have to thank the below people and their creations.
- Christopher Schultz for ssltest
- Steve Hannah for jdeploy.