This application allows to user get the info from spectra files and group it into a table.
This is the list of values from spectra that will be show:
- Name of file
- SampleSet Id
- Sample key - SampleSetIndex + SampleNumber
- Name of operator
- Type of measurement
- Weight
- Error
- Units
- Heigth
- Duration
- DeadTime
- BuildUpType
- Irradiation begin date
- Irradiation end date
- Description
- Read flag
- Error message
The most of these values you can see in sample info page via Genie2K:
Other information such as Duration and DeadTime from the main window of GENIE2K
The interface is really simple and clear:
First of all you have to choose spectra files. You can do it via Menu button:
Or in case of no-one file selected, you can click to Start button. It allows you to choose spectra and start processing immediately:
In case of you want to work with and analyse this information you can just select all (ctrl+a) and copy (ctrl-v) to any editor, e.g. excel: