A mini tool for nanopore reads (fastq files) extraction based on the start time of sequencing
The tool is still under development on signals (fast5) files
python packages:
- tqdm
- multiprocessing
- Biopython
- gzip
- dateutil
usage: nanotime_v2.py [-h] -q FQZ -s SES -l LEN -o OUT
Nanotime v2. Nanopore reads extraction based on the start time of sequencing; The process on fast5(signal) file is still
under development
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-q FQZ, --fqz FQZ the path of compressed fastq file (e.g. *.fastq.gz)
-s SES, --ses SES the path to sequencing_summary.txt
-l LEN, --len LEN the length of run of sequencing (e.g. 1)
-o OUT, --out OUT the path of output
git clone https://github.com/renzilin/NanoTime
python nanotime_v2.py -q <input>/barcode01.fq.gz -s <where-is>/sequencing_summary.txt -l <length> -o <output>/barcode01.fq.gz