which tells about where centre of data is lying
1. Mean:
Mean or average = (sum of elements/Total number of elements)
2. Median:
Median is the middle most value
3. Mode:
It is most Frequent Value
Dispersion from the mean
The measure of variance from the mean
2.Standard Deviation:
Variance has sq units which is unacceptable practically so we go for standard deviation (sqrt(variance))
Measure of symmetry in distribution
Skewness=0 or nearly 0 for normal distribution
Measure of Peakness of Diastribution
Symmetrical arount mean.
Area under curve is 100%
Mean=0 and standard deviation=1 or constant
To standardize the normal distribution we use this.
Range is [-3,3]
To standardise the normal distribution when we dont have standard deviation
To understand data, we use visualizations
The interval in which we have confidence that our value is present
The Codes regarding basic statistical operations and their datasets are present in this Repository in detail