A naive redis-backed libcluster
dynamic cluster implementation.
To start redis and 3 nodes, run in shell:
$> docker-compose up --scale node=3
You should see messages like connected to node myapp@
If you want an intereactive shell (iex), after starting redis and the nodes, run:
$> docker-compose run --rm node
And listing all the nodes:
iex> Node.list()
[:"myapp@", :"myapp@"]
There you can start a globally registered GenServer:
iex> ClusterOnRedis.Printer.start_link()
{:ok, #PID<0.193.0>}
Starting another node and running that again should result in:
iex> ClusterOnRedis.Printer.start_link()
{:error, {:already_started, #PID<19544.193.0>}}
You can call that GenServer from any node:
iex> GenServer.call({:global, :printer}, {:print, "Hello"})