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Richard Louapre edited this page Aug 7, 2013 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the elasticsearch-river-mongodb wiki!


This river uses MongoDB as datasource. It support attachment (GridFS). The main branch support ElasticSearch 0.90.2 and MongoDB 2.4.5


The current implementation monitors oplog collection from the local database. Make sure to enable replica set [^1]. It does not support master / slave replication. Monitoring is done using tailable cursor [^2]. All operations are supported: insert, update, delete.

Normal Mongo Document Implementation

Mongo document is stored within ElasticSearch without transformation. The new document stored in ElasticSearch will use the same id as mongoDB.

GridFS Mongo Document Implementation

GridFS Mongo document (with large binary content) requires transformation before being stored in ElasticSearch. It requires mapper-attachment plugin [^3] installed in ElasticSearch. A specific mapping is specified to support GridFS Mongo document in ElasticSearch:

Mapping for attachment

  "testindex" : {
    "files" : {
      "properties" : {
        "content" : {
          "path" : "full",
          "type" : "attachment",
          "fields" : {
            "content" : { "type": "string" },
            "author" : { "type": "string" },
            "title" : { "type": "string" },
            "keywords" : { "type" : "string" },
            "date" : {
              "format": "dateOptionalTime",
              "type": "date"
            "content_type": { "type" : "string" }
        "chunkSize": { "type" : "long" },
        "md5" : { "type" : "string" },
        "length" : { "type" : "long" },
        "filename" : { "type" : "string" },
        "contentType" : { "type" : "string" },
        "uploadDate" : {
          "format" : "dateOptionalTime",
          "type" : "date"
        "metadata" : { "type" : "object" }
  • content.content is the base 64 encoded binary content.
  • content.title is GridFS filename property.
  • content.content_type is GridFS content type property.
  • chunkSize, md5, length, filename, contentType and uploadDate map the same property from GridFS MongoDB document.
  • metadata (optional) map metadata properties from GridFS MongoDB document.

Install Guide

How to install

The plugin has a dependency to elasticsearch-mapper-attachment

  • In order to install this plugin, simply run:
    $ES_HOME\bin\plugin.bat -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments/1.7.0

Using plugin.bat

Release 1.6.5 is the last release available from

  • The river is also available in [Maven Central Repository]:
-url -install river-mongodb```

- Restart ElasticSearch.

#### Manually

-   Create path $ES_HOME\plugins\river-mongodb\
    Copy files: mongo-java-driver-2.11.2.jar and elasticsearch-river-mongodb-1.6.11.jar in $ES_HOME\plugins\river-mongodb.
-   Restart ElasticSearch.

### Configuration

Create a new river for each MongoDB collection that should be indexed by

-   Replace \${}, \${},
    \${}, \${},
    \${} and \${} by the correct values.
    Parameters servers, options and credentials are optional.
    -   \${} is the Elasticsearch river name
    -   servers is an array of mongo instances. If not specify the
        \${} (default value: localhost) and
        \${mongo.instance1.port} (default value: 27017)
    -   options define additional river options.
        -   Mongo options settings used by the driver (only
            secondary_read_preference is implemented).
        -   drop_collection can be used to remove all document
            associated with the index type when the collection is
            dropper from MongoDB.
        -   exclude_fields this option will remove unwanted fields from
            MongoDB before documents are indexed in ES. See example
        -   include_collection this option will include the collection
            name in the document indexed \${mongo.include.collection} is
            the attribute name. See example [^5].

    -   credentials is an array of the credential required by the
        databases. db can be 'admin' or 'local'. The credentials are
        used to connect to local and \${}. See example
    -   In index a throttle size can be defined \${es.throttle.size}
        default value is 500.
    -   In mongo a custom filter can be added in \${mongo.filter}. For
        more details see [^7].

-   From shell execute the command:

\$ curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/_river/\${}/_meta" -d '\
 [type]() "mongodb",\
 [mongodb]() { \
 { [host]() \${}, [port]() \${mongo.instance1.port}
 { [host]() \${}, [port]() \${mongo.instance2.port}
 [options]() { \
 "secondary\_read\_preference" : true, \
 [drop_collection]() \${mongo.drop.collection}, \
 [exclude_fields]() \${mongo.exclude.field},\
 [include_collection]() \${mongo.include.collection}\
 { [db]() "local", [user]() \${mongo.local.user}, [password]()
\${mongo.local.password} },\
 { [db]() "admin", [user]() \${mongo.db.user}, [password]()
\${mongo.db.password} }\
 [db]() \${}, \
 [collection]() \${}, \
 [gridfs]() \${},\
 [filter]() \${mongo.filter}\
 }, \
 [index]() { \
 [name]() \${}, \
 [throttle_size]() \${es.throttle.size},\
 [type]() \${}\

-   Example:

\$ curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/_river/mongogridfs/_meta" -d'\
 [type]() "mongodb",\
 [mongodb]() {\
 [db]() "testmongo", \
 [collection]() "files", \
 [gridfs]() true\
 [index]() {\
 [name]() "testmongo", \
 [type]() "files"\

### Validation

-   Import a PDF file using mongofiles utility.\
    $MONGO_HOME\bin\mongofiles.exe —host localhost:27017 —db testmongo —collection files put test-large-document.pdf
    connected to: localhost:27017\
    added file: \
     \_id: ObjectId('4f244b4528a039f8f1178fdd'), \
     filename: "test-large-document.pdf", \
     chunkSize: 262144, \
     uploadDate: new Date(1327778630447), \
     md5: "8ae3c6998db4ebbaf69421464e0c3ff9", \
     length: 50255626 \

-   Retrieve the indexed document by the id:
    $ curl -XGET "localhost:9200/testmongo/files/4f244b4528a039f8f1178fdd?pretty=true"
    \* The imported PDF contains the word 'Reference'.\
    $ curl -XGET "localhost:9200/testmongo/files/\_search?q=Reference&pretty=true"

### Troubleshooting

-   Add logging in $ES_HOME\config\logging.yml\
     river.mongodb: TRACE

Then restart ES.\
Please post ES log file in [Github issues](


### Sharded collection

The plugin should point to one of more mongos instance. It will discover
automatically the shards available (looking at config.shards
It will create one thread monitoring for each shard.

### Script filters

This feature has been tested with
\* In order to install the plugins, simply run: \

$ES\_HOME\bin\plugin.bat -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-lang-javascript/1.4.0

$ES\_HOME\bin\plugin.bat -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-lang-groovy/1.4.0

New attributes "scriptType" and "script" should be added to "mongodb"
attribute. "scriptType" is optional with javascript plugin. It should be
set to groovy with groovy plugin.

-   Example:

Assuming the document in MongoDB has an attribute "title_from_mongo"
and this attribute should mapped to the attribute "title".

$ curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/_river/mongoscriptfilter/_meta" -d'\
 [type]() "mongodb",\
 [mongodb]() {\
 [db]() "testmongo", \
 [collection]() "documents", \
 [script]() "ctx.document.title = ctx.document.title_from_mongo;
delete ctx.document.title_from_mongo;"\
 [index]() {\
 [name]() "testmongo", \
 [type]() "documents"\

Assuming the document in MongoDB has an attribute "state" if it's value
is 'CLOSED' the document should be deleted from ES index.

$ curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/_river/mongoscriptfilter/_meta" -d'\
 [type]() "mongodb",\
 [mongodb]() {\
 [db]() "testmongo", \
 [collection]() "documents", \
 [script]() "if( ctx.document.state == 'CLOSED' ) { ctx.deleted = true;
 [index]() {\
 [name]() "testmongo", \
 [type]() "documents"\

Assuming the document in MongoDB has an attribute "scorce". Only
documents with score \> 100 should be indexed.

$ curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/\_river/mongoscriptfilter/\_meta"-d '\
 [type]() "mongodb",\
 [mongodb]() {\
 [db]() "testmongo", \
 [collection]() "documents", \
 [script]() "if( ctx.document.score \> 100 ) { ctx.ignore = true; }"\
 [index]() {\
 [name]() "testmongo", \
 [type]() "documents"\

Examples for Groovy plugin are available here [^8]


-   Much more details about oplog collection:

[^1]: [](

[^2]: [](

[^3]: [](

[^4]: [Example river settings with exclude

[^5]: [Example river settings with include

[^6]: [Example river settings with replica set and database

[^7]: [MongoDB custom

[^8]: [Example river settings using Groovy