Mid-senior & Senior Web Developer test assignment in Scandiweb.
App demo: produx.vercel.app
1. SWAPI - PHP REST API - /api
- Vanilla PHP (without any framework)
- Composer packages (autoload, phpdotenv)
- OOP approach
- PDO for SQL
- MySQL database import SQL from scandiweb.sql file
- ENV config set new .env based on .env.example
- mod_rewrite set in .htaccess correct
RewriteBase /API_DIR
2. Produx - Nuxt.js client - /client
- Nuxt v3
- Vue v3
- Vue Router
- Vue Meta
- TS support
- Composition API with simple syntax & auto imports
- SPA / SSR / SSR + Hydration/ SSG as rendering options
- Vite and Nitro
- Pinia as a store for sharing a global state with persistence
- Tailwind CSS v3
- Storefront UI v2
- PWA installable with service worker (workbox) check manifest.json
- ENV config set new .env based on .env.example