Rulink - Build your personal website in minutes. Streamline your digital identity. Transform your rulink into a dynamic platform that highlights your brand, content, and projects—all within a sleek, user-friendly interface.
- Authentication. (Sign up / Sign in)
- Claim Username.
- Generate Custom Unique Website URL.
- Manage Website Content.
- Share Generated Website URL.
- Animated Interface.
- Responsive Full Application.
- Optimize Metadata, Opengraph Image and SEO.
- Clerk - Next generation authentication system for modern web applications.
- Next JS - Modern fast react framework for buliding user interface.
- TypeScript - Ensure type safty and handling run time error.
- Redux Toolkit - Global state management.
- RTK Query - Efficient api query and mutations.
- Tailwind CSS - Designing user interface rapidly with utility first approach.
- Shadcn UI - Develop accessible and customizable ui components with radix premitives and shadcn themes.
- React Hook Form - Handling form data efficiently.
- Zod - Validating schemas.
- Framer Motion - Animating application with fun.
- Lottie React - Using cool lottie animations.
- Other necessary packages