Ipopt is a solver for large scale nonlinear optimization problems (NLP) with non-linear contraints. The Java Native Interface (JNI) is a programming framework that allows Java code running in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to call and be called by native applications and libraries written in languages such as C and C++. JIpopt requires Java 5 or higher.
The Official Jipopt website provides pre-compiled DLL's with Ipopt+MUMPS for Win32 platforms and for Ubuntu Linux i386.
Due to the lack of this jipopt library compiled for Java Runtime 64-bits, I compiled and providing in this repository with the original sample code HS71 together with the 64-bit compiled jipopt.dll.
This jipopt library was compiled by the source Ipopt-3.12.13 in Windows10 using MSYS2-64bits and following the instructions Installing Ipopt with some workarounds.
Java JDK 64-bits for Windows - Java SE Development Kit
Eclipse IDE - Eclipse IDE
Clone this GIT Project to Eclipse
Add the folder "jni_dependency" to Windows PATH variable (See README.TXT)
Restart Eclipse
Run the java example "HS01.java"