Data, sequence analysis ploting for the microbiome figures included in the paper: [Nimrod Wieler, Tali Erickson Gini, Roey Angel and Osnat Gillor: Estimating bacterial rock crust growth rate using a well-dated millennia-old arid archaeological site]
├── Data # Primary data
│ ├── Shivta_site_silva.nrv119.taxonomy
│ ├── Shivta_site_otuTab2.txt
│ ├── Shivta_metadata.csv
│ └── Shivta_site_otuReps.filtered.align.treefile
├── LICENCE # Copyright information
├── # Overview of the repo
├── references.bib # Bibtex formatted refereces cited in the RMD file
├── Results # Result files generated while running the RMD file
├── BRC_growth_rate_microbiome_analysis.Rproj # R project file
├── BRC_growth_rate_microbiome.html # HTML output of the RMD file
├── # MD output of the RMD file
├── BRC_growth_rate_microbiome.RMD # Executable R markdown script
└── # Shell excecutable for processing the sequence data