Golang style commands for Bash Scripts
If you are not familiar with Go : google is your best friend!
Since it is a little command line tool to manage bash scripts, it can almost install itself.
Create directories :
mkdir -p anywhereYouLike/MyBashScriptDirectory/src/github.com/romainmenke/
I chose :
mkdir -p $HOME/Bam/src/github.com/romainmenke/
Add to .bash_profile (or equivalent) :
export BAMPATH=anywhereYouLike/MyBashScriptDirectory
export PATH=$PATH:$BAMPATH/bin
I chose :
export BAMPATH=$HOME/Bam
Run Commands :
source .bash_profile
git clone https://github.com/romainmenke/bam $BAMPATH/src/github.com/romainmenke/bam
bash $BAMPATH/src/github.com/romainmenke/bam/bam.sh install github.com/romainmenke/bam
You are good to go!
info || help
create :-> create empty bash script in src dir
get :-> clone git repo into BAMPATH/src/ and run bam install
install :-> install in BAMPATH
run :-> run executable from source
$ bam get -d ...
don't install, only download
$ bam get -u ...
update from remote
Use it however you like