The Rose Project presents a Social Media app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
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The Rose Project presents to you Code:RARE. With this particular project, my goal is to showcase my understanding of CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations through a social media website. This website is powered by the Code Rare Servers API ->
This website has four simple pages:
- Login page
- Register page
- Home (Post) page
- Profile Page
To start, we have a simple sign-in page that greets you as you enter. We also have a registration page to create new users.
Once a user is signed in, they will be redirected to the posts page. Here, you could see all the posts created by other users, a side nav bar that allows you to navigate to the profile page, as well as a text area input box that allows you to create a post.
At the profile page, you will see only posts created by the current user. Another thing unique about this page is that you will get to see your user bio, which you are able to update.
a post (post)READ
all users posts (get)UPDATE
bio (put)DELETE
a post (delete)LIKE
a post
Currently, there is a bug that will load a post multiple times on scroll.
- Fix duplicate posts
- Implement liking feature
- Show the users who liked a post
- Search for other users' profile page ( get a list of posts by other users )
- BUG: Fix the bio update feature not working!
- Create a settings page that allows user to change password
This page started off as a group project between Roselene Gabun, Ryan Roblez, and Ashley Ung. Regularly being updated by Roselene Gabun to practice HTML/CSS/JS.