Scripts to set up handy git aliases and terminal configurations
Minimize the size of the prompt, color-code the prompt's branch name based on current Git status:
- Git status
- If clean git status, show green branch name
- If staged, but uncommitted, changes, show yellow branch name
- If unstaged changes, show red branch name
- State compared to origin
- If branch is ahead of origin (un-pushed commits), show "up" arrow
- If branch is behind origin (you haven't pulled in a while), show "down" arrow
- Last command exit status
- If the last run command succeeded, show "$" in normal color
- If the last run command failed, show "$" in red
Also shows the current directory in the XTerm tab instead of "Terminal".
To enable this, simply use the script at .bash_prompt
cp .bash_prompt ~/.bash_prompt
# Add "source ~/.bash_prompt" to the bottom of "~/.bashrc"
# Get the new prompt
source ~/.bashrc
to setup some basic git configs, like colored statuses, your
default email and name, and a bunch of handy aliases to save you keystrokes.
chmod +x git-aliases
# Follow the prompt