Downloadable CSV (comma seperated values) Wiki that are provided by the online banking system of the BBBank eG have the following basic structure
"BBBank eG"
"Abfrage von:";"Max Mustermann";;"Kontoinhaber:";"Max Mustermann"
"Zeitraum:";"Alle Umsätze";"von:";;"bis:";
"Betrag in EUR:";;"von:";" ";"bis:";" "
"Sortiert nach:";"Buchungstag";"absteigend"
"Buchungstag";"Valuta";"Auftraggeber/Zahlungsempfänger";"Empfänger/Zahlungspflichtiger";"Konto- Nr.";"IBAN";"BLZ";"BIC";"Vorgang/Verwendungszweck";"Kundenreferenz";"Währung";"Umsatz";" "
"09.01.2017";"09.01.2017";"Max Mustermann";"Max Mustermann";;;;;"EURO-UEBERWEISUNG
Übertrag TAN:123456 IBAN: D
E12345678910111213141 BIC:
"09.01.2017";"09.01.2017";"Mustermann Max";"Irgendeine Institution";;;;;"Verwendungszweck 1
Verwendungszweck 2
IBAN: DE123456789101112131
41 BIC: ABCDEFGHIJK";;"EUR";"1.000,00";"H"
This form makes the original file unsuitable for import with e.g. pandas
(but also with excel
considering the unncessary linebreaks), which led me to write this little script.
This python script does essentially three things:
- it removes the header starting with
BBBank eG
and ending with"Sortiert nach:";"Buchungstag";"absteigend"\n
by looking for the first relevant line containing"Buchungstag";"Valuta";
- it also removes the tail of the file containing
- it finally removes linebreaks for lines that are not properly ended with either
and adds a blankspace instead
The result looks like this
"Buchungstag";"Valuta";"Auftraggeber/Zahlungsempfänger";"Empfänger/Zahlungspflichtiger";"Konto-Nr.";"IBAN";"BLZ";"BIC";"Vorgang/Verwendungszweck";"Kundenreferenz";"Währung";"Umsatz";" "
"09.01.2017";"09.01.2017";"Max Mustermann";"Max Mustermann";;;;;"EURO-UEBERWEISUNG Übertrag TAN:123456 IBAN: D E12345678910111213141 BIC: ABCDEFGHIJK";;"EUR";"1.000,00";"S"
"09.01.2017";"09.01.2017";"Mustermann Max";"Irgendeine Institution";;;;;"Verwendungszweck 1 Verwendungszweck 2 IBAN: DE123456789101112131 41 BIC: DEUTDEDB110";;"EUR";"1.000,00";"H"
In addition to the above described conversion of the content of the file, the initial encoding of the file is evaluated (I found the original files to be encoded in windows-1252
Wiki) and the converted file will be formatted using utf-8
This script has been tested using Ubuntu
and python3
. For now I will not try to make it compatible with python2.7
, but it probably takes little effort to do so.
Make sure you installed all the required python modules that are listed in requirements.txt
- put script and downloaded csv files in the same folder
- open terminal at that folder and run
python3 --file Umsaetze_DE12345678910111213141_2017.01.02.csv
to convert a single file - you can also pass multiple files like this
python3 --file Umsaetze_DE12345678910111213141_2017.01.02_1.csv Umsaetze_DE12345678910111213141_2017.01.02_2.csv
- if you want to convert all csv files in this folder, you can run
python3 --pattern "Umsaetze_\*.csv"
(make sure in this case to have no previously fixed files in the folder)
The input files will not be changed and new files will be created by the scheme initialfilename_fixed.csv
in the same folder.
- several "Verwendungszwecke" that are seperated with a linebreak initially always will be seperated by a blankspace afterwards. This leads to IBAN numbers that are seperated initially by a linebreak to still be seperated in the converted file by a blankspace.
If you find additional issues with this script, please feel free to contribute.