Attention! This Clarke Transformation IP-Cores works in case when A + B + C = 0 only !!! (where A,B,C - input vectors). More information about Clarke Transformations here.
- Project structure
- - current file
- LICENSE - file with license description
- - Synthesizable Digital IP-Core of the Forward Clarke Transformation
- - Synthesizable Digital IP-Core of the Backward (Inverse) Clarke Transformation
- User constants
- DATA_WIDTH - input and output signals bus bit resolution
- Inputs
- clk_i - clock signal (rising edge is active)
- rst_i - reset signal (high level is active)
- a_i - input vector A
- b_i - input vector B
- Outputs
- al_o - output vector Alpha
- be_o - output vector Beta
- Pseudocode
- al_o = a_i;
- be_o = (a_i + 2 x b_i)/sqrt(3);
- User constants
- DATA_WIDTH - input and output data bus resolution
- Inputs
- clk_i - clock signal (rising edge is active)
- rst_i - reset signal (high level is active)
- al_i - input vector Alpha
- be_i - input vector Beta
- Outputs
- a_o - output vector A
- b_o - output vector B
- Pseudocode
- a_o = al_i;
- b_o = (sqrt(3) x be_i - al_i)/2;