This is my attempt to create a crypto trading bot for python. Inspired by CryptoGnome's ByBit Lickhunter, trading strategy will be based on bybit liquidation data, RSI and MACD. This file uses the pybit python module to fetch liquidation data.
If you get the error "TypeError: 'type' object is not subscribable" do the following
- open /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pybit/
- go to line 39
- change retry_codes: defaultdict[dict] = field( default_factory=lambda: {}, init=False, )
retry_codes: defaultdict(dict) = field( default_factory=lambda: {}, init=False, )
- save !
Or just follow: bybit-exchange/pybit#116
To use the code, rename botSettings.example to and set your API keys.