Open Source Additional Libraries developed for B4R development tool for native Arduino and ESP programs by Anywhere Software.
The libraries are
- developed for personal use only,
- either wrapped from or build upon Open Source Arduino CPP libraries or created new using CPP or B4X language (to create B4XLibs).
- rBH1750FVI - Get light intensity in Lux from sensor BH1750
- rDHTESP - Get temperature & humidity from DHT11 & DHT22 modules connected to ESP8266
- rDHTEx - Get temperature & humidity from DHT11 & DHT22 modules
- rESPOLED1608 - Display text on an OLED display with 16 columns and 8 rows connected to an ESP8266
- rGPRMC (b4xlib) - Get NMEA RMC Lat / Lon position, Direction Indicator, Speed, Course, Timestamp, Distance Between / Course To for two Lat / Lon positions, Time Difference
- rHCSR04 - Read the distance from an Ultrasonic Distance Sensor HC-SR04
- rLCD1602BigNumbers- Display BIG NUMBERS on a LCD 16 x 2
- rLEDController (b4xlib) - Control up-to 10 LEDs individually, like turn ON/OFF, turn on for period of time or number of timer ticks
- rLegoinoBoost - Control via an ESP32 the LEGO® Motorized Hub from the LEGO BOOST Creative Toolbox 17101
- rLiquidCrystalI2CEx - Write to I2C LCD Displays 20x4 or 16x2
- rMAX6675 - Thermosensor MAX6675 connected to Arduino or ESP8266
- rMiLYWSD03MMC - Read temperature, humidity and battery values broadcasted via Bluetooth 4.2 BLE by the Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2
- rMPU6050_I2C - Motion Tracking
- rMultiFuncShield
- rPowerFunctions - Control LEGO Power Functions via IR transmitter
- rRFXMeter (b4xlib) - Send sensor & actuator data from an Arduino Microcontroller to Domoticz Home Automation System by using a RFXCOM RFXtrx433e transceiver.
- rTM1637Ex - Interfacing the TM1637 4-Digit 7-segment-display
- rTrafficLight - Controlling 3 LEDs Red-Yellow-Green for learning Arduino Functions but also how to create a B4R library
- B4XLibs are indicated in brackets (b4xlib), all other libraries are C/CPP libraries.
- Not all libraries are published on the B4R Forum.
- LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies.
From the zip archive, copy the content of the library folder, to the B4R additional libraries folder keeping the folder structure.
Example Archive
<path to b4r additional libraries folder>\rTM1637Ex.xml
<path to b4r additional libraries folder>\rTM1637Ex\rTM1637Ex.h , rTM1637Ex.cpp, TM1637Display.h , TM1637Display.cpp
From the zip archive, copy the b4xlib file and the xml file to the B4R additional libraries folder.
Example Archive
<path to b4r additional libraries folder>\rGPRMC.xml
<path to b4r additional libraries folder>\rGPRMC.b4xlib
Note: rGPRMC.xml is optional.
- To the developers of the various Open Source libraries used / wrapped for the B4R libraries/programs.
- To Anywhere Software for the B4X products.
GNU General Public License v3.0. Developed for personal use only.