Added functionality to get profile information for a twitter user, and to get the first post for a list of hashtags.
- For dependencies:
python -m pip install selenium bs4 datetime
- Download the chromedriver from here
- Open the file and set the variable EXECUTABLE_PATH to the path where the driver is downloaded.
from twisearch import twitterSearch
results = twitterSearch("Pakistan News")
[{'id': '18140095',
'username': 'paknews',
'name': 'Pakistan News',
'media_directory': ''},
{'id': '54246210',
'username': 'NewsInsider',
'name': 'Latest Pakistan News',
'media_directory': ''},
{'id': '480682661',
'username': 'PakistanWeekly',
'name': 'Pakistan Weekly News',
'media_directory': ''}]
from twiuser import twitter_profile
results = twitterSearch("reddit")
{'id': '811377',
'profile_image_url': '',
'Full_name': 'Reddit',
'bio_data': 'The front page of the internet • Get the app:\xa0 • Interested in doing an AMA? Visit\xa0',
'location': 'San Francisco, CA',
'website': '',
'join_date': 'Joined March 2007',
'Tweets': '77,394 Tweets',
'Following': '558 Following',
'Followers': '712,742 Followers',
'Likes': '10,706 Likes',
'Lists': '',
'moments': '1 Moment'}
from hashtag_originator import twi_hashtag_originator
result = twi_hashtag_originator("pia planecrash")
{'poster': {'full_name': '*Muhammad Uzair*', 'username': 'MadaniMsgs', 'url': '', 'id': '', 'profile_image_url': ''},
'timestamp': '2012-04-21T00:53:25.000Z',
'post_link': '',
'post_text': '#PIA operating special flight today 7 am for immediate #family members of #BhojaAir affectees. http:// #planecrash #bhojaair',
'embed': '<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><a href=""></a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>',
'screenshot': '/home/sascs/sacas/data/twitter/pia_planecrash'}